> On Apr 20, 2022, at 3:59 AM, Swell <souheil.sul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i also agree about ease of maintenance.
> i started working on comparison page v7.1, here are some thoughts :
> https://github.com/apache/tomee/pull/866
> i have several questions/issues:
>   - i lack some JSR specs number, i need to dig them, working on it, help
>   appreciated
>   - this comparison page would be a quasi duplicate between 7.0 and 7.1,
>   it is ok for now.
>      - there are 2 TomEE minors (v7.0,v7.1) for 1 Java EE (v7) its ok if
>      it stays like that.
>      it may be a pain later if there is again 2 TomEE for 1 Jakarta (say
>      TomEE v10.0 and TomEE v10.1 for same Jakarta 10.0).
>      could this happen again ?
>   - i would appreciate feedbacks on this suggested comparison page
>      - is red cross a bad idea to tell EE7 does not include JSON-B ?
>      do i better remove the lines with red crosses (specs not part of EE7)
>      ?
> instead of making a comparison page for every TomEE minors (7.0, 7.1, 8, 9),
> could i make a comparison page for every Java/Jakarta minors (7, 8, 9.1,
> 10.0) ?
> (and put them on the main website instead)
> i'm not sure whats the best option.
> here is what i'am working on :
>   - tomee.apache.org/
>      - comparison.html
>      - tomee-7.1/docs/comparison.html (more risk ok duplicate)
>      - tomee-8.0/docs/comparison.html
>      - tomee-9.0/docs/comparison.html

We can certainly add other comparisons, but we definitely want to keep a 
comparison page that answers the question of how the different TomEE 
distributions compare to each other and Tomcat for that particular release.

Comparing different TomEE versions to each other or comparing different Jakarta 
EE versions to other Jakarta EE versions can be useful, but doesn't eliminate 
the need for a dedicated page that helps people answer the question "Which 
distribution of TomEE 8 should I download?"

On the minor versions.  We don't do those often.  When we do do them it's 
because we've changed something fundamental about the server.  For example we 
created TomEE 7.1 because we wanted to add MicroProfile implementations, but 
did not feel good about doing that in a patch release on 7.0.x.  So in reality 
the 7.0 and 7.1 comparison pages are going to be quite different.  The 7.0 page 
will have no TomEE MicroProfile distribution and no MicroProfile specs.  The 
TomEE 7.1 will have the new TomEE MicroProfile distribution and some 
MicroProfile specs.

What I can't remember is when we added MicroProfile specs to TomEE Plus and 
Plume.  I know initially those two distributions did not contain any 
MicroProfile support, but I can't remember if we eventually added that before 
7.1 went final or if we did that in TomEE 8.0.  A page per release will really 
help us all keep stuff like that straight.


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