Hi AD,
welcome to the mailing list and TomEE community.

Do you have areas of expertise or a special field or topic of interest,
you would like to contribute to?

We are currently working on TomEE 9. Therefore, we moved away from our
previous byte code transformation approach and switched TomEE master to
TomEE 9 (Jakarta). 

While we made good progress, there is still a lot todo. The efforts and
open tasks are tracked in [1]. A lot of effort is currently done to
switch the MicroProfile impl to MP Smallrye impls in order to move to
the jakarta namespace [2] as well as to get the EE9 plattform TCK
running. If you are interested in contributing to our TomEE 9 efforts,
we can surely find some beginner friendly tasks in this area.

There was also some interest in doing another maintaince release of
7.1.x with some fixes and dependency updates, which could also be an
area for contribution [3].

It fully depends on your field of interest and your available resources
/ time, so it would be interesting to hear back from you.

Last but not least: Do not get intimidated by your first ticket. If it
ends up being too hard or just not fun, let's find something else for
you. There is always plenty of work to do.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-3862
[2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/hdntdhwqkr91o2mszojq66qcfzszw96p
[3] https://lists.apache.org/thread/sz0kfocgd6248l2vxxgv3wjc5snh79q6

Am Donnerstag, dem 05.05.2022 um 14:00 -0600 schrieb AD:
> Hello
> I am new to this group and would like to offer help in any way I can.
> Please let me know
> Thank you
> -AD

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