Hi Mathias,

you wrote:
> This doesn't rule out CMake as a serious competitor, but it shows that
> its main benefit (being able to build with VS on Windows) comes at a price.

> Lately I gained some experience with dependencies in OOo and reducing
> them. IMHO it's easier to understand how the different parts of OOo work
> together the more the complexity of the dependencies is reduced. This
> helps new developers to understand. And even the more experienced
> developers benefit from the better maintainability.
> So I think that aiming for leaner dependencies (not only) in the long
> run is a worthwile goal and I wouldn't consider any change in the build
> system that wouldn't go for it. Whether it's the number one or the
> number two priority doesn't matter for me: IMHO it's a must have
> priority. 
I find those arguments a bit contrived - the first one is a truism, 
and the second one seems to mix tight implementation dependencies
with well-defined, sometimes posix-standardized, black-boxed external 
tool dependencies.

This is nothing to spend two seconds' thoughts on, for all the 
platforms out there with a decent package and dependency management 
system, simply because you trade an automagically-resolved dependency
for reuse of existing functionality - something I value quite high 
in a project where developer resources are amongst the scarcest.

The story on win32 (and other, not-so-standard platforms I believe 
you alluded to) is totally different, of course, but you won't fix
that by prohibiting sed & awk - fixing the root cause here means
performing cross-compilation for those platforms.

(you need to build/debug natively on those platforms? sure, but
binning e.g. cygwin from the impressive list of ~14 build
means getting rid of the _least problematic_ one - trivial to install,
easy to update, free, built-in package management etc. - shouldn't we
rather eliminate the real deal-breakers there first?)

So again, the build system dependencies for me are one of the least
important criteria, and when it comes to python, we have that
dependency *anyway*, on *any* developer machine, due to mercurial.

Just my 2c. :)

-- Thorsten

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