So the client programming model is meant to reflect the Jupyter Protocol,
which has taken into account issues like streaming. However, the client
could still be cleaned up. Maybe something along the lines of:

val exRes: DeferredExecution = client.execute(code)
.onError(executeReplyError =>{
}).onSuccess(Option(executeResult) => {
}).onStream(streamResult => {

Key thing being the optional execute result as a parameter to onSuccess.
This would be a better interface to handle when there are/are not results
from an execution.

Kind Regards,
Corey Stubbs

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 10:29 AM Luciano Resende <>

The Toree client seems to be a client utility to enable other applications
to interact with Toree/Spark. These applications are not based or aware of
the ZeroMQ protocol, but nevertheless, we are imposing them on a very
similar programming model while evaluating code using the client.

See an example below, where the application programmer has to handle
different options, where more than one option can be called per eval
result, and the order cannot be known prior to the execution time :

val exRes: DeferredExecution = client.execute(code)
.onResult(executeResult => {
}).onError(executeReplyError =>{
}).onSuccess(executeReplyOk => {
}).onStream(streamResult => {

I was wondering what are the community thoughts on enhancing the client to
abstract its programming model, and having all this abstracted and handled
on the client implementation, and the eval would return one promise (e.g.
onResult which one option would be status success or error) or at most two
promises (e.g. onSuccess and onError).

The only issue I haven't fully understood yet is how streaming is handled
and what are the implication of these changes on this scenario.


Luciano Resende

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