On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 9:08 PM Eric Charles <e...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have lately commented on the PySpark and SparkR interpreters Removal Pull 
> Request.
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-toree/pull/166#issuecomment-500356895
> If it is too late to bring them back in the picture: I wonder
> - What are your advices to benefit from a shared spark context between 
> Scala/Python/R?
> - What were the encountered difficulties with that integration - I wonder how 
> possible it is for me to maintain that in a fork?
> Thx, Eric

I would say that it mostly started as a prototype and there were
issues being reported that were not being addressed by the community.

In counterpart, there were other feature-rich kernel implementations
such as IPython and IRKernel that were providing the necessary
integration with Spark.

As for shared context support, see comments below from @Gino Bustelo

Luciano Resende

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