Hey all,
I don't know if you have been following the release 2.1 thread on the
incubator list [1] , but we have been given a -1 vote by the IPMC for
having a file in our release [2] that has an incompatible license.  There
is some debate about the license, and we have reached out to Legal for more
information [3] (thanks Eric!), but we haven't heard back from legal yet.
Instead of waiting for legal to get back to us, I would like to propose
that we instead remove this file from our release.  The file in question is
just a list of weak passwords and I feel like we can easily include a blank
file, or a file with a couple passwords that we generate, and individual
installs of Traffic Control can replace this file as they see fit.  This will
remove issue of having an incompatible license in our release and should
also not require us to do a code change.  The downside of removing this
file is that we will need to create another 2.1 release candidate and go
through the vote process again.  I would really like to see us get 2.1
released before the end of the year, and at this point our chances are
looking pretty slim.  So, does anyone object to removing this file from our
release?  If not, I will put an issue into github, remove the file, and
back port the change so that we can get another 2.1 release candidate out.


[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-356

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