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> On Apr 3, 2018, at 2:00 AM, Zhilin Huang (zhilhuan) <zhilh...@cisco.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> I could not find the edit button on this page. Looks like I do not have the 
> authority to add the doc.
> Thanks,
> Zhilin
> On 03/04/2018, 2:43 AM, "David Neuman" <david.neuma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>    Hi Zhilin,
>    Is it possible to get this design doc added to our wiki?  I create a design
>    docs page here 
> (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TC/Design+Docs).
>    I think it would be good to get the document there so it doesn't get lost
>    over time.
>    Thanks!
>    Dave
>    On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 10:41 PM, Zhilin Huang (zhilhuan) <
>    zhilh...@cisco.com> wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> Thanks a lot for the discussion. I should put the design earlier for
>> review, and sorry for the delay. Here is the link for the design doc:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vgq-pGNoLLYf7Y3cu5hWu67TUKpN5hucrp
>> -ZS9nSsd4/edit?usp=sharing
>> Short summary for the feature design:
>> ---
>> There is feature request from market to add secondary IPs support on edge
>> cache servers, and the functionality to assign a delivery service to a
>> secondary IP of an edge cache.
>> This feature requires Traffic Ops implementation to support secondary IP
>> configuration for edge cache, and delivery service assignment to secondary
>> IP.
>> Traffic Monitor should also monitor connectivity of secondary IPs
>> configured. And Traffic Router needs support to resolve streamer FQDN to
>> secondary IP assigned in a delivery service.
>> Traffic Server should record the IP serving client request. And should
>> reject request to an unassigned IP for a delivery service.
>> This design has taken compatibility into consideration: if no secondary IP
>> configured, or some parts of the system has not been upgraded to the
>> version supports this feature, the traffic will be served by primary IPs as
>> before.
>> ---
>> Replies for Robert's comments is embedded in the email thread. Much
>> appreciated and welcome to any further comments.
>> Thanks,
>> Zhilin
>> On 29/03/2018, 10:19 AM, "Neil Hao (nbaoping)" <nbaop...@cisco.com>
>> wrote:
>>    Hi Robert/Nir,
>>    Thanks very much for the quick and detail reply, and sorry for that I
>> didn’t make the whole feature clearly. Actually, it’s our Secondary IP
>> feature, which is a big feature that will bring change to all the
>> components in the Traffic Control. I thought our teammate reviewed the
>> design with you guys before, but it seems not. And after discussion, we
>> will start the whole feature design review with you guys soon, I think it
>> will be better to continue the discussion after that.
>>    Thanks,
>>    Neil
>>    On 3/29/18, 1:16 AM, "Robert Butts" <robert.o.bu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>        I agree with Nir, it's not as simple as changing a structure to
>> `[]URL`,
>>        it's a bigger architectural design question.
>>        How do you plan to mark caches Unavailable if they're unhealthy on
>> one
>>        interface, but healthy on another?
>>        Right now, Traffic Router needs a boolean for each cache, it
>> doesn't know
>>        anything about multiple network interfaces, IPv4 vs IPv6, etc. It
>> only
>>        knows the FQDN, which is all the clients it's giving DNS records
>> to will
>>        know when they request the cache.
>>        Questions:
>>        Is a cache marked Unavailable when any interface is unreachable?
>> Or all of
>>        them?
>> ZH> Actually, we will care about an IP availability instead of interface
>> availability. Please take a look at 3.1.2 of the design doc.
>>        What if an interface is reachable, but one interface reports
>> different
>>        stats than another interface? For example, what if someone
>> configures a
>>        different caching proxy (ATS) on each interface?
>> ZH> Will only use 1 ATS to serve traffic from all IPs configured.
>>        How are stats aggregated? Should the monitor aggregate all stats
>> from
>>        different polls and interfaces together, and consider them the same
>>        "server"? If not, how do we reconcile the different stats with
>> what the
>>        Monitor reports on `CrStates` and `CacheStats`? If so, again, what
>> happens
>>        if different interfaces have different ATS instances, so e.g. the
>> byte
>>        count on one is 100, and the other is 1000, then 101, then 1001.
>> It simply
>>        won't work. Do we handle that? Or just ignore it, and document "all
>>        interfaces must report the same stats"? Do we try to detect that
>> and give a
>>        useful error or warning?
>> ZH> The bandwidth for interfaces will be aggregated. We will only have 1
>> ATS to serve traffic from all interfaces. The connectivity check is IP
>> based. And the stats collection will be interface based. Please take a look
>> at 3.1.2 of the design doc for details.
>>        In Traffic Ops, servers have specific data used for polling.
>> Traffic
>>        Monitor gets the stats URI path from Parameters, and the URI IP
>> from the
>>        Servers table. It doesn't use the FQDN, Server Host or Server
>> Domain. Where
>>        would these other interfaces come from? Parameters? Or another
>> table linked
>>        to the servers table? (I'd really, really rather we didn't put
>> more data in
>>        unsafe Parameters, which can not exist, not be properly formatted,
>> need
>>        safety checks in all code that ever uses them, and are confusing
>> and opaque
>>        to new users) Would these other interfaces be in addition to using
>> the IP
>>        from the Server table? Or replace it?
>>        Do we have config options for all of these? Only some of them? In
>> the
>>        config file, or Traffic Ops fields?
>> ZH> Please take a look at 3.1.1 of the design doc. Basically, we will add
>> new APIs, or new fields to existing APIs. So this feature implementation
>> will not impact existing functionality.
>>        I'd like to hear the use case too, and e.g. why it isn't better to
>> simply
>>        make each different interface a different server in Traffic Ops?
>> How is the
>> ZH> We discussed this solution too. But the main issue is running ort
>> script for one server will overwrite the ATS configuration for anther
>> server. The use case is our customer want different client to be served by
>> different IP. For example a mobile client will be served by different IP of
>> a PC client.
>>        Traffic Router routing to them, anyway? Are you setting up the
>> same DNS
>>        record to point to the IPs of all interfaces? How is that
>> configured in
>> ZH> For each edge, each DS will be assigned to a single IP. If no
>> secondary IP specified, it will work just as the behavior today. Please
>> take a look at 3.1.3 of the design doc.
>>        Traffic Ops then? I.e. which interfaces are configured as the
>> Server IP and
>>        IP6? Are we certain there aren't other issues in other Traffic
>> Control
>>        components, with a Server IP and IP6 not having a one-to-one
>> relationship
>>        with the FQDN A/AAAA record?
>> ZH> Please check 3.1.1 of the design doc. There will be new pages for
>> secondary IPs configuration, the current functionality should not be
>> impacted.
>>        Do we need to take the bigger step, of having a Traffic Ops Server
>> have an
>>        array of IPs? That's a lot more work (especially making sure it
>> works
>>        everywhere, e.g. Traffic Router), but it solves a lot of questions
>> and
>>        hackery, gives us a lot more flexibility, and matches the physical
>> reality
>>        better.
>> ZH> When making this design, we are trying to avoid impact to current
>> functionality and compatibility with earlier version. So we add extra
>> tables or fields for secondary IPs.
>>        I'm not opposed to the idea, but we need to think through the
>> architecture,
>>        we need to be sure the added complexity is worth it over existing
>>        solutions, we need to make all the options (e.g. Unavailable if
>> any vs all)
>>        configurable, and we need to make sure the common simple case of a
>> single
>>        Server IP and IP6 still work without additional configuration
>> complexity.
>> ZH> Yes, agree with you. We are trying to not impact the existing
>> solution. Please take a look at the design doc for more details.
>>        On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 10:19 AM, Nir Sopher <n...@qwilt.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Eric/Neil,
>>> Isn't the question of supporting multi interfaces per server a
>> much wider
>>> question? Architectural wise.
>>> What would be the desired behavior if the monitoring shows that
>> only one of
>>> the interfaces is down? Will the router send traffic to the
>> healthy
>>> interfaces? How?
>>> Nir
>>> On Wed, Mar 28, 2018, 19:10 Eric Friedrich (efriedri) <
>> efrie...@cisco.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> The use case behind this question probably deserves a longer
>> dev@ email.
>>>> I will oversimplify: we are extending TC to support multiple
>> IPv4 (or
>>>> multiple IPv6) addresses per edge cache (across 1 or more
>> NICs).
>>>> Assume all addresses are reachable from the TM.
>>>> —Eric
>>>>> On Mar 28, 2018, at 11:37 AM, Robert Butts <
>> robert.o.bu...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> When you say different interfaces, do you mean IPv4 versus
>> IPv6? Or
>>>>> something else?
>>>>> If you mean IPv4 vs IPv6, we have a PR for that from Dylan
>> Volz
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-trafficcontrol/pull/1627
>>>>> I'm hoping to get to it early next week, just haven't found
>> the time to
>>>>> review and test it yet.
>>>>> Or did you mean something else by "interface"? Linux network
>>> interfaces?
>>>>> Ports?
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 12:02 AM, Neil Hao (nbaoping) <
>>>> nbaop...@cisco.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Currently, we poll exact one URL request to each cache
>> server for one
>>>>>> interface, but now we’d like to add multiple interfaces
>> support,
>>>> therefore,
>>>>>> we need multiple requests to query each interface of the
>> cache
>>> server, I
>>>>>> check the code of Traffic Monitor, it seems we don’t
>> support this kind
>>>> of
>>>>>> polling, right?
>>>>>> I figure out different ways to support this:
>>>>>> 1) The first way: change the ‘Urls’ field in the
>> HttpPollerConfig from
>>>>>> ‘map[string]PollConfig’ to ‘map[string][]PollConfig’, so
>> that we can
>>>> have
>>>>>> multiple polling config to query the multiple interfaces
>> info.
>>>>>> 2) The second way: Change the ‘URL’ field in the PollConfig
>> from
>>>> ‘string’
>>>>>> to ‘[]string’.
>>>>>> No matter which way, it seems it will bring a little big
>> change to the
>>>>>> current polling model. I’m not sure if I’m on the right
>> direction,
>>> would
>>>>>> you guys have suggestions for this?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Neil

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