I'm trying to get statistics from my traffic server much in the same was as was 
shown in 


But when I run

[daruma:trafficserver 592]$ ./bin/traffic_logstats  -h
Usage: traffic_logstats [-l logfile] [-o origin[,...]] [-O originfile] [-m 
minhits] [-inshv]
  -h, --help              tog   true      Give this help
  -f, --log_file          str   (null)    Specific logfile to parse
  -o, --origin_list       str   (null)    Only show stats for listed Origins
  -O, --origin_file       str   (null)    File listing Origins to show
  -M, --max_orgins        int   0         Max number of Origins to show
  -u, --urls              int   0         Produce JSON stats for URLs, argument 
is LRU size
  -U, --show_urls         int   0         Only show max this number of URLs
  -A, --as_object         tog   false     Produce URL stats as a JSON object 
instead of array
  -i, --incremental       tog   false     Incremental log parsing
  -S, --statetag          str   (null)    Name of the state file to use
  -t, --tail              int   0         Parse the last <sec> seconds of log
  -s, --summary           tog   false     Only produce the summary
  -j, --json              tog   false     Produce JSON formatted output
  -c, --cgi               tog   false     Produce HTTP headers suitable as a CGI
  -m, --min_hits          i64   0         Minimum total hits for an Origin
  -a, --max_age           int   0         Max age for log entries to be 
  -l, --line_len          int   78        Output line length
  -T, --debug_tags        str   (null)    Colon-Separated Debug Tags
  -V, --version           tog   false     Print Version Id

Note that there seems to be two ways to specify the log file, -f and -l.  Which 
one should I use?  When I try either I get:

[daruma:trafficserver 598]$ ./bin/traffic_logstats  -l 
FATAL: ./logging/LogStandalone.cc:96: failed assert `setrlimit((RLIMCAST) 
which, &rl) >= 0`
./bin/traffic_logstats - STACK TRACE: 
0   libtsutil.3.dylib                   0x00000001000cbb6b ink_fatal + 123
1   libtsutil.3.dylib                   0x00000001000ca571 _ink_assert + 145
2   traffic_logstats                    0x00000001000052f4 _Z11init_systemv + 
3   traffic_logstats                    0x000000010000538b 
_Z25init_log_standalone_basicPKc + 27
4   traffic_logstats                    0x00000001000055ab main + 411
5   traffic_logstats                    0x0000000100001484 start + 52
6   ???                                 0x0000000000000003 0x0 + 3
Abort trap
[daruma:trafficserver 599]$ ./bin/traffic_logstats  -V
Apache Traffic Server - traffic_logstats - 3.0.0 - (build # 61522 on Jul 15 
2011 at 22:43:38)

What am I doing wrong?

IMO, a stack trace is very bad if a user enters in bad arguments.


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