On Sep 30, 2013, at 2:17 PM, Alan M. Carroll <a...@network-geographics.com> 

> I have run in to an issue with a client which I think is of general interest.
> The issue arises in cases where you have a set of origin servers that share a 
> fully qualified domain name but have distinct IP addresses. In this case the 
> DNS query returns all of the IP addresses, each one corresponding to a 
> specific server. The desired behavior is for the connection load to be spread 
> across the servers. However, if you rely on round robin support from the DNS 
> server, because ATS caches the DNS response you get the servers being hit 
> hard one after another, as the DNS data times out.
> If you set the ATS internal DNS round robin 
> (proxy.config.hostdb.strict_round_robin) you can have another problem if you 
> also have server session sharing enabled. For each transaction on a session, 
> a HostDB lookup is done on the FQDN of the origin server. If there is a 
> server session associated with the client session, the FQDN and the IP 
> address are checked against those in the server session and if they match, 
> the server session is kept with the client session. This makes server 
> sessions "sticky" and kept associated with a client as long as that client 
> continues to make requests to the same FQDN.
> This changes if strict round robin is used because the HostDB lookup for the 
> same FQDN will generally return a different IP address. In this case the 
> server session associated with the client session is rarely re-used, leading 
> to a lot of additional server sessions and re-connects.
> There are a couple of approaches to dealing with this, if server session 
> sharing is desired.
> 1) Change the associated session check to look only at the FQDN. If that 
> matches, keep the session. [*]
> 2) Enable the HostDB lookup to take a hint IP address. If that address is 
> valid for the FQDN, use it regardless of round robin settings. If not, select 
> an IP address as if no hint were provided. The IP address from an associated 
> server session (if any) is passed to the HostDB lookup. [#]

How about matching on FQDN, but frequently(-ish) expiring sessions from the 
pool? This would cause the pool to slowly traverse the full set of origins.

> These turn out to potentially have different operational characteristics. One 
> case that came up was if the nameserver was rotating IP addresses, such as 
> returning only 2 of 4 but (over time) changing the pair returned. This can 
> lead to the case where a server session remains valid with an FQDN / IP 
> address pair that is not considered valid by HostDB (because the DNS response 
> timed out and a new one was retrieved which does not contain that IP 
> address). In the case of my particular client, this is considered a feature 
> and not a bug, but others might see it differently.
> What we would like is to be able to have DNS round robin effects *between* 
> clients while keeping the stickiness of the client / server session sharing 
> that exists without multiple address FQDNs. Does this seem useful to anyone 
> else, and what style of implementation would seem best? Should the choices of 
> (1) and (2) be configurable?
> * This is a bit trickier to implement than it sounds, because the HostDB 
> lookup has been done and the resulting IP address stored in various places. 
> That value becomes wrong if the currently associated server session is kept 
> because it has a different IP address. Currently I think only one additional 
> place needs to be updated but I am still researching that.
> # It turns out the HostDB lookup already checks for an associated server 
> session for unrelated reasons, so picking out the IP address would be a 
> simple matter.

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