
This are people on the PPMC of this project that as far as I can tell not 
signed an ICLA:
        • Goson Zhang
        • Jie Jiang
        • Junjie Chen
        • Kayne Wu
        • Lamber Liu
        • Osgoo Li
        • Peng Chen(?)
        • Yiheng Wang
        • Yuhong Liu
        • Zak Wu

I assume these people still want to be initial committers and on the PPMC? If 
so what’s the hold up on getting this done? Please reply here once you have 
done the paperwork. [1]

Of the people or so who already had signed an ICLA why (for the most part) you 
need to be added to the PPMC roster and sign up to the private email address. 
Not many have done so, important email are sent to that list and it is a 
requirement that all PPMC members have signed up.

I suggest that all of the initial committers (if they have not done so) read 
what the responsibilities of a PPMC are [2].


1. https://www.apache.org/licenses/contributor-agreements.html
2. http://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html

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