Justin, I didn’t know how to do it when adjusting the contents of the
LICENSE file and adding the NOTICE file. I refer to the
https://github.com/apache/incubator-iotdb project you provided, and
https://github.com/ Apache / incubator-livy project, I found that the
contents of the 2 projects are different:

1. In IotDB, it includes LICENSE and LICENSE-binary, NOTICE and
NOTICE-binary, but in livy, it only includes LICENSE and NOTICE, there is
no xxx-binary, why is there such a difference, what should be followed in
the TubeMQ project Way to provide?

2. What should be filled in the LICENSE and NOTICE files? In addition to
the Apache v2 license statement in LICENSE, in IotDB, LICENSE has added a
statement on the use of external component source code file, and NOTICE has
added a statement on the external component packages referenced in pom.xml,
 but in livy, in LICENSE there are only declarations for external component
packages in pom.xml.

How to write LICENSE and NOTICE files?


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