Hello everyone:

The community of the project has been a bit quiet recently, not everyone is
asleep, we are dealing with the following content:

1. The content preparation of the rename project:
According to our previous discussion of renaming, our mentor has submitted
a renaming Jira[1] (thanks to mentor JB), we need to organize the relevant
project content before the implementation of the renaming, including the
new project homepage, Logo, other open source components, etc.
Please wait, it is expected that the overall content of the project will be
updated after the name change is completed at the end of March, or early
April if the rename operation delays.

2. Metadata store component transformation:
This part is performing online, refer to the branch TUBEMQ-570. Due to the
license issue of BDB, we need to switch the metadata storage and the
keep-alive mechanism of the system to Zookeeper. Since this part is a
replacement of basic components, there is a transition, which will switch
to zk after the code abstraction is completed.  and anyone interested can
pay attention to this branch.

3. Development tubemq-manager node:
This part is also carried out online, refer to the branch TUBEMQ-421. The
requirement of this part is to be an independent management node that spans
multiple TubeMQ clusters to facilitate system operation and maintenance.

As the related changes are relatively large work, we are going to release
the version after the rename of InLong is completed. So, for users of
TubeMQ 0.8.0 version, there is a problem that needs to be paid attention
to, a bug was recently discovered [2], which affects the information query
of webAPI. Before the version is released, please refer to the issue[2] and
fix it self:


If you have any questions, feedback is welcome.

Thanks all!

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