On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:21 AM, ant elder <ant.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to get some of the 2.x changes since beta3 out in a release
> so am thinking about doing a beta4 release. Does anyone have anything
> coming up they would like the release to wait for, if not I'd like to
> start soon. I'm suggesting beta4 as I don't think the current trunk is
> quite ready for a 2.0 final and i expect it might take a little while
> to get it up to scratch and i'd like a new release sooner. I'd be
> happy to help start working towards the 2.0 release as well though if
> anyone else has time for that as well.
>   ...ant

Sounds good. It's been a long time since the last Beta and doing
another one before 2.0 will give us a chance to get back into the
swing of doing a release.

Is this you offering to RM a beta4?


Apache Tuscany committer: tuscany.apache.org
Co-author of a book about Tuscany and SCA: tuscanyinaction.com

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