
Adriano Colaianni wrote:
I've tried to compile a register for a new component implementation in UnoExeMain.jar. The result is segmentation Fault.
What is the reason?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eclipsews]$ regcomp -register -br /sp/home/acolaianni/OpenOffice.org1.1.5/program/types.rdb -br /sp/home/acolaianni/OpenOffice.org1.1.5/program/services.rdb -r test.rdb -c ./UnoExeMain.jar -l
Segmentation fault
[EMAIL PROTECTED] eclipsews]$

it is much easier to see what's going wrong, if you provide a stack trace, e.g. by using gdb. Also, often "strace regcomp .. |& grep open" helps, to see if a file missing.


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