
just writing one reply, hopefully answering your comments etc. of your previous mails.

To give a brief overview:

-1- CoreReflection: Gives access to the methods etc. of the passed type name, respectively methods etc. of the exact type of the passed object. Methods, attributes etc. can be "called" directly. The CoreReflection is only available for Binary UNO, e.g. there is no such service for pure Java-UNO.

-2- Introspection: Gives access to all methods and interfaces of the passed object as an integrated entity. The Introspection relies on the CoreReflection and on the object to implement the XTypeProvider interface.

-3- Invocation: A service for dynamically invoking a method of a particular object. This service was designed for scripting languages connection to UNO. It also takes care of needed type conversions etc. The Invocation relies on the Introspection.

-4- TypeDescriptionProvider / TypeDescriptionManager: Services providing access to type descriptions. The TypeDescriptionManager just delegates requests to the registered providers. The returned type descriptions are different of what the CoreReflection provides and are for informational purposes only. E.g. the remote bridges use these type descriptions.

-5- XTypeProvider: An to be implemented interface providing all interfaces of an object, the Introspection and OOo BASIC rely on objects to implement this interface.

-6- XServiceInfo: An interface providing the implementation name and the supported services of an object. This was/is needed for objects not implemented using the new multiple inheritance stuff.

If you only need the descriptions, -4- is probably the easiest way. If you dynamically want to invoke methods etc., then -3- makes sense.

Singletons, as the TypeDescriptionManager, can either be retrieved via the "createInstance" method of the ServiceManager (which returns the same object all the same, in case it is a singleton), or via the ComponentContext and the "getValueByName" method. The name of the TypeDescriptionManager is


If you stumbling over problems when accessing the particular types via one of the above services / interfaces, I suggest to try out what you want to achieve first in OOo BASIC, and to switch later to COM. Only to ensure that there is no bug / incompatibility in the OLE bridge.

Hope that helps


Marten Feldtmann wrote:
Here's is a summary of my VA Smalltalk wrapper using OLE/COM:

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