Juergen Schmidt wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> why should we do that, normally it is not needed and i still don't
> understand why you need it. Maybe you ca give us some more info about
> your add-in function and for what exactly you need tis info.
> Juergen

Let me explain, so you can tell me if I do something redundant or useless.

Basically I want to expose a function to OOCalc

1) add the declaration in the IDL file (e.g.:

double sumValues([in] sequence< sequence < double > > values) raises

2) add function to my C++ class

double SomeClass::sumValues(const Sequence< Sequence < double > > & values) 

3) I need to implement all methods required by XAddIn

OUString SAL_CALL getProgrammaticFuntionName( const OUString& aDisplayName ) 
throw  RuntimeException);
OUString SAL_CALL getDisplayFunctionName( const OUString& aProgrammaticName ) 
throw (RuntimeException);
OUString SAL_CALL getFunctionDescription( const OUString& aProgrammaticName ) 
throw (RuntimeException);
OUString SAL_CALL getDisplayArgumentName( const OUString& aProgrammaticName, 
::sal_Int32 nArgument )
throw (RuntimeException);
OUString SAL_CALL getArgumentDescription( const OUString& aProgrammaticName, 
::sal_Int32 nArgument )
throw (RuntimeException);
OUString SAL_CALL getProgrammaticCategoryName( const OUString& 
aProgrammaticName ) throw
OUString SAL_CALL getDisplayCategoryName( const OUString& aProgrammaticName ) 
throw (RuntimeException);

Especially getDisplayArgumentName() and getArgumentDescription() require some 
table to map the
function name (aProgrammaticName) and the argument id (nArgument) to the 
argument name and description.

For my case, most of the time the argument name and type from the IDL are 
so (from the IDL) this is the argument

const Sequence< Sequence < double > > & values

and I just would like to return "values" as getDisplayArgumentName() and 
"[][]double" as description.

The name (i.e. "values") is really important when using it in OOCalc, the 
description (i.e.
"[][]double") helps, but I could live without.

Am I talking nonsense? I admit my experience with XAddIn is really small...


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