On 05/08/09 18:54, Jeremy Trudel wrote:
I am trying to download U.R.E. 1.3.0 from
http://download.openoffice.org/2.4.0/ure.html but all the links at the
bottom of the page are broken and I can't seem to download anything.

No idea where it has gone; Joost knows the details, I assume.

In general, since OOo 3.0.0 we have not made available any independent URE downloads any more. Instead, you can extract a freestanding URE from a complete OOo installation set (on Linux and Solaris, where an OOo installation set is just a bundle of packages, it is the one package with "ure" in its name, installing to /opt/openoffice.org/ure; on Mac OS X and Windows, where there is one monolithic installation set for OOo, it is the sub-directory named "ure" or "URE" from an installed OOo, which you can copy to an arbitrary location). (The correspondence between OOo and URE versions is listed at <http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/UNO_%40since_Tags>.)

Maybe such a more recent URE suites your needs better, anyway?


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