
Here's rc4 of uimaj 3.0.0 sdk.

The change since rc3: some fixes to the logging APIs to avoid "double scanning"
of substitution when using logrb style calls, some formatting of the messages
fixes for logging, and some caching added for internationalization of messages
using message bundles.


(Copied from previous vote msg):

The change since rc2
  - fix for the class path in the uimaj examples eclipse project, to correspond
to the upgrades done for slf4j and jackson-core.

Change since rc1:
  - bug when JCas range is unknown
  - exception thrown unnecessarily, making Component Descriptor Editor (CDE)
fail on bad JCas classes
  - changed CDE to bypass loading user-defined JCas classes.

Changes since the beta are mainly 2 (plus some bug fixes):
  1) support for serialization / deserialization and subsequent access using
LowLeveCAS.getFSFromRef(int) API.
  2) support for applications which have JCas class classes, and load multiple
type systems (under the same class loader) with some of these having subsets of
the features.

Also, added 2 more semi-built-in types: one is a variant of the FSHashSet, using
linked Hash Set, so iterating gives a reasonable order. The other is a general
map from ints to Feature Structures, intended to let users eventually replace
use of the LowLevelCAS API method referenced above.

The Jiras for this release are here:


Maven artifacts:

Source and binary zip/tar staged to:

Eclipse update subsite:

SVN tag: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/uv3/uimaj-v3/tags/uimaj-3.0.0/

Please vote on release:

[ ] +1 OK to release
[ ] 0 Don't care
[ ] -1 Not OK to release, because ...



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