Hi all,

I propose to retire the v2 of UIMA Java SDK, uimaFIT, Ruta and UIMA AS on Dec 
21 2022.

As far as I know, nobody plans any further releases of any of the v2 versions of

* Apache UIMA Java SDK v2.x
* Apache uimaFIT v2.x
* Apache UIMA Ruta v2.x
* Apache UIMA AS v2.x

As part of retiring these versions, I suggest we should:

* remove them from the UIMA website's downloads section
* remove them from the UIMA website's documentation section

NOTE: there is **no UIMA AS release for v3**, so this would essentially mean
that the UIMA AS sub-project is automatically retired at the same time.

Regarding UIMA AS:

* remove it from the UIMA website's download section
* remove references to it in general from the UIMA website except maybe
keeping a reference to the archived downloads
* put up a note in the git repo stating that the project is retired,
does no longer get updates and may contain bugs or security problems.
* ask INFRA to mark the github mirror as archived - or -
if they prefer remove the github mirror completely only keeping an
archived mirror at the ASF.

If somebody can confirm that UIMA AS is working with UIMAv3, we could consider
not retiring it. However, the problem would remain that UIMA AS is essentially
unmaintained and that we would need a new maintainer for it.

[ ] +1 - go on and retire
[ ] 0  - I don't care
[ ] -1 - do not retire

Note that anybody voting -1 should step up as a new maintainer at the same time.


-- Richard

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