On 8. Dec 2022, at 19:37, Eddie Epstein <eaepst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Python, tcl and perl support are all based on the swig interface work
> originally done by Jeff Sorensen. That python interface is C-like rather
> than python-like. Back in 2008 Edward Loper implemented a python native CAS
> and xmi serialization, but after a fair amount of work it still had
> problems deserializing large and complex XmiCas files. As far as I know,
> that code was never donated or made public.

Because Edward Loper's code was not available, eventually DKPro Cassis
was built in 2018 by Jan-Christoph Klie and myself. It is available
under the Apache License 2.0.


I believe that DKPro Cassis has full support for creating, deserializing,
manipulating and serializing CAS XMI files by now. It also has support for
the new (experimental) UIMA CAS JSON format.


If anybody finds any problems with DKPro Cassis, please open an issue
in its tracker at GitHub.

As far as I know the DKPro Cassis has found some friends in the UIMA
community that are actively using it.


-- Richard

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