Hi all,

unfortunately, this release has been declined on IPMC vote for two reasons:

1. (blocker): the src distribution includes binaries:
libsigar-amd64-freebsd-6.so             libsigar-x86-freebsd-5.so
libsigar-amd64-linux.so                 libsigar-x86-freebsd-6.so
libsigar-amd64-solaris.so               libsigar-x86-linux.so
libsigar-ia64-linux.so                  libsigar-x86-solaris.so
libsigar-sparc-solaris.so               sigar-amd64-winnt.dll
libsigar-sparc64-solaris.so             sigar-x86-winnt.dll
libsigar-universal-macosx.dylib         sigar-x86-winnt.lib

2. (good to fix): the NOTICE file can be improved cleaned up:
- NOTICE has extra information. There is no need to add anything to NOTICE for MIT license software [1] or (usually) for Apache licensed software. [2] NOTICE needs to be keep small. [7] - NOTICE may be missing information. Hyperic Sigar contains a NOTICE file (which incorrectly lists MIT and Apache software). [12] It may be that some of these notices need to be added to NOTICE or LICENSE. [11]

3. We should:
- place artefacts in correct release area (dist.apache.org, not a big deal)
- no need for need for KEYS file inside artefact and in fact at that point it's too late to be of any real use.
- year is wrong in NOTICE file

Also for the binary convenience release:
- It is missing DISCLAIMER
- LICENSE and NOTICE are incorrect as:
  - NOTICE lists BSD and MIT software which should be in LICENSE
  - LICENSE is missing BSD/MIT and other bundled software
  - NOTICE includes software that is not bundled (e.g. junit + others)
- NOTICE is probably missing item from bundled Apache license NOTICE files (e.g.karaf + others) [13]

Sorry about that, I didn't have time to take a deeper look on this release. So, let me create the Jira, fix that, and before re-cutting really completely review the release.


On 01/19/2016 01:51 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
Hi all,

I submit Unomi 1.0.0-incubating release to your vote.

This release is the first one of Unomi, marking its incubation.

Staging Repository:

Git tag:

Release Notes:

Please vote to approve this release:

[ ] +1 Approve the release
[ ] -1 Don't approve the release (please provide specific comments)

This vote will be open for at least 72 hours.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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