Hey guys,

I'm sending events for Unomi and it's working pretty well! But I don't know
how can I build segments with these event's properties. Here an example of
a event:

"source": {
"itemId": "webpage",
"scope": "systemscope",
"itemType": "page"
"events": [{
"eventType": "pageview",
"source": {
"itemId": "my page",
"scope": "systemscope",
"itemType": "page"
"scope": "systemscope",
"target": {
"itemId": "http://www.globo.com/";,
"scope": "systemscope",
"itemType": "page",
"properties": {
"referrer": "https%3A%2F%2Fwww.globo.com%2F",
"timestamp": "1528222422907",
"object": "http://www.globo.com/";,
"host": "",

I'm trying to create segments using this curl and getting
NullPointerException even at karaf log:

curl -iv -u karaf:karaf -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --insecure
https://localhost:9443/cxs/segments -X POST -d '{"metadata": {"id":
"globo","name": "Globocom","scope": "systemscope","description": "All home
users.","readOnly": true},"condition": {
                    "parameterValues": {
                        "propertyName": "target.properties.object",
                        "comparisonOperator": "equals",
                        "propertyValue": "http://www.globo.com/";
                    "type": "eventPropertyCondition"

What am I doing wrong?

Thank your for your attention,
Diogo Munaro Vieira

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