
Apparently, the main example in the Texen docs in Velocity 1.4 is
broken.  Geir broke it in early 2002, and Shinobu found and fixed the
problem in early 2005.  So while this has been fixed for 1.5, for the
past couple of years the docs for the released version 1.4 have been
wrong and no one has complained.


Also, there don't seem to be any experienced users on the mailing
list.  When a user recently asked about this no one responded until I
had a chance to look into it.  (I try to be responder-of-last-resort
for these type of things).

My point... Texen seems like an orphaned project.  I'm guessing
there's a few embedded users (Torque) so we shouldn't drop it.  But
I'd like to move it (after 1.5) to a separate subproject.  Probably
Anakia too.  Comments?


Forio Business Simulations

Will Glass-Husain

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