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Nathan Bubna wrote:
> If it is an independent project that will not be fully
> absorbed/integrated into an existing project, then it is much easier
> to get interest if people are free to try the code out (i.e. there is
> a release they can download) and can check out the source for it from
> some public repository.
> If it is just a small set of classes/patches, then posting the code as
> JIRA attachments may be sufficient for people to see it and try it
> out.

It's 7 classes (and associated project stuff such as ant build scripts,
test code and libraries, etc.), which is on the border between a tiny
project and some utility tool in a larger project. It's a 11k binary JAR
and a 240k source ZIP file which contains everything.

> If you're willing to take the time to set it up and release it as an
> independent project, then that is the path i would recommend.
> Well, then i think you ought to create a project for it on Google Code
> or Sourceforge and do a release soon.  Then i think we can look at
> getting the release uploaded into a maven repository and using it as a
> dependency of VelocityTools tests.

I certainly am willing to do all of this. I /want/ people to see the
source, give me feedback, etc.

To that end, I have created a project on SourceForge. It still needs to
be approved by a human over there before it gets up. I'll post a
followup at that point.

- -chris
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