
On Nov 28, 2008, at 10:08 AM, Nathan Bubna wrote:

Ok, there were no complaints about the current test build that were
worth generating a new test build and delaying this (IMO), so i'm
moving on to a vote.

The test build candidate for release is still available here:

Please vote regarding your support for releasing this new test build as
Velocity Engine 1.6:

[ ] +1 Let's do it
[ ] +0 Have fun; i don't care.
[ ] -0  Not sure about this, but i won't stop you.
[ ] -1 No, because __________________

The voting period is typically 72 hours, putting its close time as
roughly 7am PST on Monday, Dec 1st.  If the vote passes, I'll push
this to the mirrors and change the web site and get Henning to deploy it.
With luck i'll be able to announce it by Wed.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Nathan Bubna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ok folks, i think the time has come; here's a build for Engine 1.6:


please kick the tires and report any and all nitpicks soon.  PLEASE
try it out and look for problems.  (yes, i am begging!)  assuming no
one sees any problems, i'll call for a release vote next friday.


p.s.  this release should rock; here's a rough list of new things in
this release:

Major memory and speed performance improvements
varargs support for object method calls
#evaluate( $stringthatcontainsvtl )
#define( $body ) for VTL blocks as references #end
#break for ending #foreach loops prematurely
Static utility methods via context.put("Math", Math.class)
fixes for many annoying little syntax/parsing bugs
#parse( "mymacros.vm" )
CommonsLogLogChute, ServletLogChute
Fixed and much improved StringResourceLoader
programmatic inclusion of macro libraries
can now call fixed-length list methods on arrays
$velocityHasNext for #foreach loops
configurable connection timeout for URLResourceLoader
Uberspect chainability and link-ability
consistent, correct line numbers and macro/template stacks in logs and

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