
I have only just logged-into the test instance of the new JIRA and, I
have to admit, I wasn't sure how the JIRA team could make the product worse.

First, JIRA was always painfully slow and would never remember a
password I chose -- I had to reset it every time I wanted to use it. I
gave up and started using the auto-generated temp passwords it was
sending to me and never setting a real password. Also, simple things
like commenting and changing bug information was awkward compared to

Now, I've only logged-in and seen the front page and already I'm not
liking it: the page was blank except for empty titled-sections (with
empty titles!) and then everything filled-in slowly over a period of
about 10 seconds. Woo hoo! Javascript and "Web 2.0"... just what JIRA
needed: a way to go slower.



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