Can you check how many open file handles are there? Try using 'lsof'

On 02/05/2014 01:05 PM, Terence Kent wrote:
> Hello,
> We just starting using Velocity 1.7 in our production environment and 
> encountered the following error after our JVMs had been running for about 5 
> days:
> ERROR ResourceManager : unable to find resource '/path/to/template.vm' in any 
> resource loader.
> We are getting no other errors in any of our code and this is the only 
> velocity message in our logs (we captured WARN and higher messages). Prior to 
> the error occurring, velocity was working as expected and able to find our 
> template. After the first time we received this error, all following attempts 
> to use the template failed. We had two separate systems running the same code 
> and they both experienced the issue within about 10 minutes of each other. 
> Restarting the JVM fixed the issue in both cases.
> This appears to be a very similar issue to the one described Peter over a 
> year ago using Velocity 1.6.2. Unfortunately, the thread appears to trail off 
> before an issue was diagnosed/fixed. (see 
> I'm a bit stuck since I've been unable to reproduce the issue or find out 
> more information. I've tried some load tests at a concurrency of 50 (far 
> larger than we receive on production), and this had no failures after 45 
> minutes. Has anybody had success in diagnosing/resolving this issue? In case 
> it's relevant, here are the details of our deployment environment:
> * We use Tomcat 7.0.42, with 2 webapps deployed, A and B. A is fairly large 
> and complex, providing a web services api and a client API. B just contains a 
> tiny servlet that calls velocity on a single template. Velocity is only used 
> in webapp B.
> * We use Velocity 1.7, configured to use the ClasspathResourceLoader. We 
> configure Velocity programmatically.
> * Our JVM is OpenJDK build 20.0-b12 (java version "1.6.0_27")

Sergiu Dumitriu

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