Am 2017-01-16 um 15:02 schrieb Claude Brisson:
The Velocity Engine 2.0 RC5 is available.

Main changes since the RC4:

 * the default encoding is now UTF-8 (and not the platform default)
 * commons-collections is not any more a compilation dependency
 * commons-lang3 dependency is not any more shaded
 * the configuration API doesn't use ExtProperties anymore
 * the events API has been reviewed: all events do receive the current
Context as argument

Release notes:




Maven 2 staging repository:


If you have had a chance to review the test build, please respond with a
vote on its quality:

 [ ] Leave at test build
 [ ] Alpha
 [ ] Beta
 [ ] General Availability (GA)

Everyone who has tested the build is invited to vote. Votes by PMC
members are considered binding. A vote passes if there are at least
three binding +1s and more +1s than -1s.

I have started a review based on a diff between 1.7 and trunk. I will report shortly. There are already some issues with the POM which should be improved.


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