On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 1:33 PM, Claude Brisson <cla...@renegat.net> wrote:

> On 30/01/2017 22:08, Nathan Bubna wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Claude Brisson <cla...@renegat.net>
>> wrote:
>> On 28/01/2017 20:23, Alex Fedotov wrote:
>>> You guys should definitely leave a way of disabling the toString()
>>>> conversion in boolean expressions.
>>>> There are many places where people do null checks if #if($obj)...#end.
>>>> Classes almost never return an empty string or null string from the
>>>> toString  call. Even worse some classes may use toString for debugging
>>>> purposes and produce very long  strings (including nested objects,
>>>> etc.).
>>>> In the code above that would be a huge inefficiency.
>>>> I totally agree that a great percentage of #if($foo) statements are just
>>> here to check for nulls. And the current behavior of returning false for
>>> empty strings, empty arrays and empty maps could already be problematic
>>> in
>>> this regard
>>> And I think I have a good proposal about that.
>>> Since
>>> $foo differenciate null and "" (by displaying the first and not the
>>> second)
>>> $!foo assimilates null and "" (by hiding both)
>>> why not consider that:
>>> #if($foo) returns false for null and true for everything else, and
>>> #if($!foo) returns false for null, "", zero, empty arrays, etc...
>>> Yikes. That looks like a scary combo of significant and subtle. It would
>> need to be well-highlighted in the release notes, change logs, docs, etc.
>> I might like it. Maybe. I dunno. The syntax is giving my tired brain
>> spasms, given that it's close to the very different #if( !$foo ). I can't
>> "read" it, if that make sense. It's like a complex regexp, where i have to
>> think my way through it, instead of just reading it.
>> Is there a use-case for having both supported in the same template?
>> Otherwise, it might be better to avoid the subtlety and just support a
>> configuration property for how clever templates can be with evaluating
>> #if(
>> $foo ).
>> Maybe we do the full lookup chain by default, but let people set a
>> directive.if.emptycheck = false
>> That would limit it to just checking for false or null values (presumably
>> still including getAsBoolean, getAsString, and toString), but skipping the
>> "empty" checks.
>> Then the high performance move is:
>> directive.if.emptycheck = false
>> directive.if.tostring.nullcheck = false
>> But the default is for both to be true.
>> That should be enough, yes.
> I like this syntax trick, but it remains a trick, so I won't stand for it.
> Let's forget it.
> However, I wonder if we should rework the lookup chain so that it never
> reaches bottom methods for standard types, collections and arrays. The
> lookup chain may pretty well mix false and true checks. Like: if it's an
> array, return whether or not it's empty and don't go further.

Good idea.  Once we find a method for checking (whether for null, false, or
empty), then we should take its answer and go no further in the chain.

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