On 11/5/07, Matej Knopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I might have overlooked the *or* part with implicates that empty
> element shorthand should not be used for non-empty elements.
> Still this leaves us with 3 options.
> a) ignore things silently and then support lot of weird bugreport of
> user complaining that ajax is not working in firefox (because of the
> messed up DOM tree)
> b) fix the error for user (which is current behavior)
> c) throw an exception or warn user somehow

If you will decide for option B, then please do it for all elements that are
declared as non-EMPTY.
<tag></tag> will be valid for all non-EMPTY elements in both HTML and XHTML.

Now given that <div/> might not actually be permitted in xhtml (though
> I'm still not 100% convinced)

If you find any information that I might be wrong, then please tell me.
Because it is not very logical to me too.
I prefer to be wrong in this case.

option c) could be better alternative to
> b), though I'd still insisted on doing it by default. However, we
> would need then some kind of mechanism that would allow us to suppress
> the behavior in case the document is actually an xml document and will
> be served as xml document.

You might consider not supressing it since <div></div> is valid XML.

> Equal in XML yes.
> > And yes, XHTML files are valid XML documents. However not all XML
> documents
> > are valid XHTML files, even when using XHTML tag names.
> Which is kinda weird.

Yes, it is weird.

I was under impression that as long as you stick
> to the doctype (or xsd) all xml documents would be valid xhtml
> documents.

No, not all rules can be fully expressed in DTD or even XML schema's.
They only validate part of the rules.

> > Yes, IE does not understand application/xml.
> > And that is why I suspect that rule 4.3 exists. So that xhtml 1.0 could
> be
> > server to IE, and the result would be equivalent as serving html 4.01.
> Ironically, IE doesn't have any problem with empty elements such as
> <div/>.

That's because IE considers the DIV end tag optional, while in fact it is

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