So generate a detach() methods that looks up all the fields and do what on
I guess if that is a detachable call it through and annotate other fields
that should be set to null?

so i we have this

class @detachable MyModel
     private IModel innerModel;

    private @detach Object myVar;

    private Object id;

that is the same as

class MyModel
     private IModel innerModel;

    private myVar;

    private Object id;

    void detach()
        myVar= null;


but then somewhere you have to make sure that the id is set

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:41, Martijn Dashorst

> Not sure if it will fly, but couldn't we utilize the same tech as
> project lombok [1] uses to automatically generate detach code for
> IDetachables?
> Note that I have no idea if it will work, but considering they are
> able to generate try/finally blocks, we might be able to do something
> similar.
> Martijn
> [1]

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