We were rocking 1.3.5 btw.

On 22-Dec-09, at 9:30 PM, Craig Tataryn wrote:

Finished a project at the beginning of the year that was Wicket based. The designers really loved it, they didn't have much experience with designing for Java-based frameworks (they hacked ASP/ ASP.NET mostly). I drew up a quick tutorial covering the basics of Wicket, how to preserve the look-and-feel of the site in Dreamweaver while we coded all the dynamic parts and they were off to the races.


It's a pity though, the site didn't really go anywhere. It was supposed to allow people to collaborate with choosing colour palettes for their home renovation projects. One of those ideas that sounds great to business folks, but in the real world you have to draw people to the site somehow and give them incentive to hit that "register" button.


Craig Tataryn
site: http://www.basementcoders.com/
irc: ThaDon on freenode #basementcoders, ##wicket, #papernapkin
twitter: craiger

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