the bridge works ok most of the times. but, it still has a few rough
edges. for example while running git svn dcommit and there is a
conflict all commits after the one that caused the conflict are lost
and you have to manually go dig them out of the old refs. stuff like
that. also i could never get git cherry to work right. the pick works,
but cherry doesnt list the differences. annoying things like that :)

as for the plugin. it has the basics like history/diff. with git i
find myself using the cli more often because its much better then svn
so not so much need for the ide plugin...

anywho. apache is not going to switch to git, so for wicket there is
no choice. use git svn if you want to commit, or use the github/apache
mirrors if you just want to submit patches.


On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Johan Compagner <> wrote:
> How is the latest eclipse plugin support?
> But why not just use then  svn-git 'bridge' that git has build in?
> ----- Original message -----
>> What's the latest on Git migration? If not for Wicket proper, for 
>> Wicket-Stuff?
>> Windows support as come a long way...

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