Conversely you could create a Required<T> class that fails when a null
is used, properly documenting that a parameter is required.


On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Igor Vaynberg <> wrote:
> ive recently ran into a few cases where while implementing
> ajaxfallbacklink i forgot to test the passed in request target for
> null, causing NPEs when the app was accessed from browsers where ajax
> failed for whatever reason.
> with all this talk of scala recently i figured why not try and
> translate one of the feature i really like in scala Option/Null/Some
> to our code base.
> i came up with a simple value class:
> and changed the ajaxfallbacklink to use it
> the cascade from this change was pretty impressive, a lot of places in
> our code support passing a possibly null request target but make no
> mention of it:
> so advantages:
> makes possible null value handling explicit
> no more checking the javadoc to see if the method supports null as a
> parameter value or ever returns a null
> an api break before 1.5 rc1
> i think overall makes lives of wicket users easier
> disadvantages:
> a bit wordier code
> an api break just about when we are ready to release 1.5 m4/rc1
> whatever we call it
> yay or nay? obviously if we say yay there are a lot more places in our
> code that can benefit from this
> -igor

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