It's cmd+shift+G (OSX) and it works quite well ;)

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 11:55 PM, Justin Lee <> wrote:

> You can paste a java class into a .scala file and it'll autoconvert.
>  there's a shortcut keystroke, too, but i don't remember what it is.
> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 10:40 AM, richard emberson <
>> wrote:
> > No IDE, I use Vim. Also, my build environment is Ant-based
> > using scalac and javac.
> >
> > Of course, what I was doing was porting from Java to Scala.
> > To that end I've got some 400 Vim scripts that aid in the
> > port. For instance,
> >
> > :g/final \([a-zA-Z]\+\) \([a-zA-Z]\+\)\[\]\s*=/s//val \2: Array[\1] =/g
> >
> > converts
> >    final B a[] =
> > to
> >    val a: Array[B] =
> >
> > I don't know if IDEs provide such scripting with regex support.
> > Also, with a simple Vim script and key combination, I can be
> > viewing a ported Scala file and jump to its corresponding source
> > Java Wicket file - very useful when porting or debugging.
> > Yea, IDEs can do stuff me and my Vim scripts can not do, but my
> > fingers know Vim.
> >
> > I also built a JUnit driver class in Scala (and Java) that allowed
> > me to execute a single test method in a given test class by setting
> > two properties in a file that my Ant script reads. This was vital
> > for hunting down bugs.
> >
> > I looked into the tool that allowed Vim to be the front-end and
> > Eclipse to run in server mode which allows a Vim user to access
> > many of the extra features the IDE offers, but, as of a couple of
> > months ago, there was no Scala support in the tool.
> >
> > The father of Scala, Martin Odersky uses Emacs.
> >
> > Richard
> >
> >
> >
> > On 01/05/2011 12:38 AM, Juergen Donnerstag wrote:
> >
> >> Cool. May I ask which tools (IDE) you've been using and what your
> >> experience with these tools has been.
> >>
> >> -Juergen
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 2:34 AM, Jeremy Thomerson
> >> <>  wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 5:15 PM, richard emberson<
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>  Dev Wicketers,
> >>>>
> >>>> What: I have ported Wicket to Scala
> >>>>    A couple of months ago I took a 1.5 snapshot and ported to Scala.
> >>>>    This encompasses all of the source and test code. As successive 1.5
> >>>>    snapshots were released, I ported those differences to my Scala
> >>>>    version. I am current with 1.5 M3.
> >>>>
> >>>>    The Java 137,791 loc in 1.5 M3 are now 100,077 loc Scala (not
> >>>>    counting all the println statements I put into the Scala code
> >>>>    for debugging). I used cloc ( to
> >>>>    count lines of code.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> I haven't used CLOC before.  I've used Ohcount (
> >>> and like it.  I'll have to give this a
> >>> try.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   I have also replaced all of the Java collection classes with
> >>>
> >>>>    Scala collection classes (though a small number of Java collection
> >>>>    classes remain that did not have comparable Scala implementations).
> >>>>
> >>>>    I have changed many method return types from the Java returning
> >>>>    some "object" or "null" to Scala returning "Some(object)" or "None"
> >>>>    (using the Scala Option[return-type] construct) - trying to
> >>>>    eliminate nulls.
> >>>>
> >>>>    Lastly, I pushed the IModel[T] typing down to the Component class
> >>>>    making get/set DefaultModel and get/set DefaultModelObject strong
> >>>>    typed.  This included using Scala companion object apply methods
> >>>>    which eliminated having to explicitly declare type parameters in
> >>>>    most end-user code (I had read that one of the objections to
> >>>>    pushing strong typing down to the Component class in Wicket was
> >>>>    that there were "too many notes", end-user code was too verbose).
> >>>>
> >>>>    It can not interoperate with Java Wicket because Scala compiles to
> >>>>    JVM class files and so all of the classes in Java Wicket also
> >>>>    appear in Scala-Wicket.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>     I have an "internal" name for my Scala port of Wicket which
> >>>>    acknowledges its Wicket heritage as well as advertises its
> >>>>    enterprise level capabilities. For external communications,
> >>>>    I am currently simply call it Scala-Wicket.
> >>>>
> >>>> Why: Scala is a better Java
> >>>>    I was introduced to Scala 9 months ago and quickly determined that
> >>>>    it was a better Java (at least IMO). For Scala to succeed it
> >>>>    requires more programmers to use it. Many on the Scala mailing
> >>>>    lists were from a functional background and seemed not to recognize
> >>>>    that Haskell and Lisp are not blindingly successful but, rather,
> >>>>    niche languages and that the heavy selling of Scala's function and
> >>>>    typing capabilities might turn off Java programmers.
> >>>>
> >>>>    Scala struck me in many ways as a strong-typed JavaScript, at
> >>>>    least, much of the code did not have to have type declarations
> >>>>    because the compiler could infer types in many cases. In addition,
> >>>>    a whole lot of the Java boil-plate code was not needed. As such,
> >>>>    it could be sold as simply a better Java; a more-to-the-point
> >>>>    object oriented language with functional programming in-the-small.
> >>>>
> >>>>    To get more Java programmers to try Scala I looked for a
> >>>>    significant Java application with a strong support and user
> >>>>    community that I could port to Scala. I ended up with Wicket.
> >>>>    Wicket is an enterprise level web framework (unlike existing
> >>>>    Scale web frameworks which place restrictions on enterprise IT
> >>>>    organizations, e.g., by requiring sticky sessions).  It is well
> >>>>    documented. And, as it turned out, very, very importantly it had
> >>>>    a large number of unit tests (the unit tests saved my butt,
> >>>>    without them I would never had succeeded in getting a port that
> >>>>    worked).
> >>>>
> >>>>    No, Really, Why:
> >>>>        I like Scala and I took the time to learn it. Right now about
> >>>>        20% of programmers use Java while only some 0.4% use Scala.
> >>>>        I did not want my effort of learning Scala to be wasted so my
> >>>>        solution is to increase the number of Scala programmers. Where
> >>>>        to get them? Again, my solution is from the existing horde of
> >>>>        Java programmers.
> >>>>
> >>>> Plans: Release, Evolve and Proselytize
> >>>>    I would like to release Scala-Wicket.
> >>>>    I do not know if Apache hosts anything other than Java code.
> >>>>    Growing a community is important.
> >>>>
> >>>>    Still Todo:
> >>>>        Comments: All of the existing class and inline comments are
> >>>>            still Java related.  This would have to be a long, on-going
> >>>>            task to edit the comments so they reflect the code's
> >>>>            Scala usage.
> >>>>        Package path: The code still uses the "org.apache.wicket"
> >>>>            package path and this must be changed - unless this became
> >>>>            an Apache project.
> >>>>        Author: I have quite literally looked at and touched every line
> >>>>            of code but I have not yet felt comfortable with adding
> >>>>            myself as an author since, well, many changes were
> >>>>            syntactic and not semantic.
> >>>>        Refactor with Traits: Currently the port uses Scala traits like
> >>>>            Java interfaces but it should be possible to factor the
> >>>>            common code out into the traits. This would result in many
> >>>>            of the interfaces, the "I" files, such as IModel.scala,
> >>>>            going away.
> >>>>        Some general refactoring:
> >>>>            As an example, consider factoring out the IModel[T] from
> >>>>            Component. Half the time a user wants a Component with
> >>>>            no model, so, if there was a HasModel trait:
> >>>>                class Model[T](var value: T) {
> >>>>                    def getObject: T = value
> >>>>                    def setObject(value: T): Unit = this.value = value
> >>>>                }
> >>>>                trait HasModel[T] {
> >>>>                  var model: Model[T]
> >>>>                  def getDefaultModel: IModel[T] = model
> >>>>                  def setDefaultModel(model: IModel[T]): this.type = {
> >>>>                    ....
> >>>>                    this
> >>>>                  }
> >>>>                  def getDefaultModelObject: Option[T] = {
> >>>>                    ....
> >>>>                  }
> >>>>                  def setDefaultModelObject(obj: T): this.type = {
> >>>>                    ....
> >>>>                    this
> >>>>                  }
> >>>>                }
> >>>>            The Component hierarchy would have no model support.
> >>>>            The user could add model support when needed:
> >>>>                val form = new Form("hi")
> >>>>                  with HasModel[Int] { var model = new Model(42) }
> >>>>            Just an Idea.
> >>>>        STM: There are a number of Scala STM projects and I do not know
> >>>>            if it is useful to add STM capabilities to Scala-Wicket.
> >>>>        RBAC: I've written a Scala implementation of the NIST RBAC
> >>>>            recommended standard and might consider adding it.
> >>>>        Logging: Adding a Scala-based logging framework to aid user
> >>>>            debugging.
> >>>>        Monitoring and stats: In the last couple of years many web
> >>>>            sites have added monitoring and statistics gathering
> >>>>            capabilities (e.g., who clicks what, where, how long, on
> >>>>            what page does the visitor exit the web site, etc.) in
> >>>>            order to know how the web site is being used and then
> >>>>            improve the web site.
> >>>>        Significant Memory Usage Reduction: I've an idea that would
> >>>>            significantly decrease the memory usage of Scala-Wicket and
> >>>>            I plan to do a test implementation.
> >>>>        Replace Java features: There are still some Java-isms that can
> >>>>            be replaced with Scala equivalents.
> >>>>        Port additional Java Wicket libraries to Scala.
> >>>>        Enable multiple instances of a unit tests to be run at once.
> >>>>        More: ????????????
> >>>>
> >>>>    I want to avoid using some of the WTF features of Scala (when a
> >>>>        Java programmer looks at the code and says "WTF") in order to
> >>>>        ease and accelerate acceptance by Java programmers; as
> >>>>        examples, implicits can make code hard to understand and
> >>>>        advanced Scala type usages, as James Gosling said, "makes one's
> >>>>        head spin".
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Help and Advice: How should Scala-Wicket be extended and released
> >>>>
> >>>>    Scala-Wicket is a port and evolution of Wicket, not a ground-up
> >>>>        re-write. Given that, what would you do differently in Wicket
> >>>>        now that there are years of experience using it?
> >>>>
> >>>>    How best to get a hosting site, release the code and build a
> >>>>        community?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> If you're looking for a place to host it, I'd recommend starting with
> >>> Github.  Git is where the crowd is headed, and Github is the easiest
> >>> place
> >>> to get up and running with it these days.
> >>>
> >>> You mentioned earlier the idea of it being an Apache project.  If you
> >>> wanted
> >>> it to be an Apache project, you would start at the Incubator (
> >>>  The one barrier you'll have initially
> is
> >>> that Apache favors "community over code"... so it's not a great place
> to
> >>> start a one-man project.  Since this is a port of an existing Apache
> >>> project, you might have more leniency, but you'd have to build a
> >>> community
> >>> around the project before you could ever "graduate" from the incubator.
> >>>
> >>> Probably Github is your best bet for now.  Build a community.  Then, if
> >>> your
> >>> community is in favor, move to Apache.  By that time, ASF might have
> full
> >>> git support.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>     Are there any mechanism to help fund such an open-source project?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> Best bet is to build a community.  Of course, if you can find some
> >>> company
> >>> that wants such a project, you can get monetary support to develop /
> >>> maintain.  But that seems unlikely in this case with the limited number
> >>> of
> >>> companies looking for Scala out there, and especially since this is an
> >>> unproven port of a large Java project.  So, start by getting folks like
> >>> jWeekend involved - great coders who are already salivating for Scala.
> >>>  Find
> >>> other individuals such as yourself who are interested, and build a
> group
> >>> of
> >>> core committers.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>  This is not meant to be a general announcement but rather a means
> >>>> for me to get some initial advice as to how to proceed.
> >>>>
> >>>> Any help is appreciated.
> >>>>
> >>>> Richard Emberson
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I'm impressed.  Quite an undertaking.
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Jeremy Thomerson
> >>>
> >>> *Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix!*
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> > --
> > Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
> >

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