On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 11:53 PM, Michael O'Cleirigh <
michael.ocleir...@rivulet.ca> wrote:

> Hello,
> Jenkins currently runs at wicketstuff.org/hudson.  The wicketstuff.orgserver 
> is running FreeBSD which is not directly supported by Jenkins and so
> upgrading and installing related tooling becomes a burden on the server
> admins.
> Recently there has been intermittent instability that causes jenkins to
> become unavailable and prevents developers from being easily able to
> generate and test new snapshot releases.
> My proposal is that we take advantage of the Jenkins community support for
> Linux that includes auto-installers and binary packages and switch to
> running the wicketstuff.org Jenkins instance on a Linux box.
> I am volunteering to host this on a VPS I have and to take care of the
> server side admin.
> If this is acceptable I would suggest moving jenkins from
> wicketstuff.org/hudson to a DNS A name like ci.wicketstuff.org that could
> point at my server.
> Then depending on the load I might ask to have the wicketstuff.org server
> setup as a slave to sometimes assist in building the projects but not be the
> main access point for the developers.  Once this is setup I would also be
> interested in letting others contribute slaves to help with the build.
> In the past when I noticed that the wicketstuff.org/hudson server was down
> I  would setup a private Jenkins instance to take care of building the
> SNAPSHOT's because I didn't want to run it in public with the same anyone
> can signup privileges.
> To get around this issue I have written a  Jenkins
> authentication/authorization plugin that will restrict access to only
> members of a named github organization (i.e. only github users that are a
> member of the wicketstuff organization can access and invoke builds.
> This will let us manage access entirely through Github.   The only
> restriction on the plugin right now is that the users affiliation in the
> team needs to be publicized.
> Plugin Link: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/**display/JENKINS/Github+OAuth+**
> Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Github+OAuth+Plugin>
> I've published the 0.6 version of this plugin which now supports a post
> commit hook from github to trigger builds (i.e. no more @hourly polling is
> required).
> The test instance is here: http://rivulet.ca:8080/  Anyone with commit
> access in github  that is a public member of the any team in the wicketstuff
> project can login and have the trigger build permission.
> Regards,
> Mike

I'm +1000 for letting you handle all this build stuff and host it on your
server.  Copying Johan directly because IIRC the server it is currently on
is his and I want to make sure he sees it.

Big hooray! for Mike and all his endless work on wicketstuff!!

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix! http://brixcms.org*

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