
Martijn Dashorst created the ci.wicketstuff.org domain and pointed it at my server.

I've just finished setting up the proxy settings to that it works.

I have implemented the github post commit hook (via the github-plugin) so any changes that are committed into the core-1.4.x or master branch trigger a build for the modules touched. This is faster than the @hourly polling that was used before.

Everything works fine for the master branch (targeting wicket 1.5-SNAPSHOT) but there are still some issues with the core-1.4.x branch (targeting wicket 1.4-SNAPSHOT).

I'm trying to make the core-1.4.x branch build from a single tree like master does now for space reasons but there have been some issues and its not working yet.

Any developer that is a 'public' member of any team in the wicketstuff github organization will be able to login.

Doing a full build is slower than before, probably about 1 hour and 20 minutes. But because of the fast turn around with the post commit hook incremental changes should rebuild and be pushed into oss.sonatype.org much faster.



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