On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 11:53 AM, Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Let's discuss the open tasks for Wicket 6.0.
> From the roadmap:
> - component queueing
> @ivaynberg: any progress here ? I'm OK to skip this for later release
> if it is too much work.

im ok skipping it too. this seemed somewhat trivial in the limited
usecases we prototyped, but when trying to apply this to a real
application it is a lot more complex.

the simpler way to do this was to loop over queued components and try
to pull one out to resolve nesting dependencies. the code for this is
relatively simple, but it suffers from O(n^2) and had a big
performance impact when applied.

the faster/smarter way is to iterate the hieararchy just like we do
when rendering and try to look up components that way. this has a more
linear time, but the code is a lot more complex. it has to handle auto
components, repeaters, borders, and other "special cases" when it
comes to processing markup that are now encoded into the rendering

i just pushed what i have into sandbox/component-queuing if someone
wants to pick it up. i think the last major hurdle is making borders
work with it and getting all the unit tests to pass to ensure none of
the normal code is affected by the change.

ive put a lot of time into it to get it this far and wont have time to
work on it for at least a few weeks. its not mission critical so it
can go into 7.0

> - CDI
> seam-conversation-*** modules are still not available in Maven central repo

yep, sucks. it will have to live on github a while longer.

> - renaming for OSGi
> Does anyone have an idea how many packages should be renamed ?
> Some people say that a package should have its module name in it (e.g.
> o.a.w.core.**). Other people say that we should rename just the
> packages which exist in two or more modules.

i think o.a.w.core will get voted down because it will break all apps
out there. i think we should just make sure that the modules do not
share any package names and call it a day.


> From Jira:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+WICKET+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%226.0.0%22+AND+status+%3D+Open+ORDER+BY+priority+DESC&mode=hide
> - WICKET-3927 Use a resource loading lib to setup order for processing
> ajax response fragments
> I think this one can be closed. It seems the current impl serves well.
> Objections ?
> - WICKET-2128 StringValidator error messages erroneously mention input
> instead of label
> How to deal with this ?
> I agree that ${label} should be used but there is a comment by Igor
> saying that this has been discussed before and core devs agreed to use
> the raw value (input).
> - WICKET-4026 Consider moving registration of IMarkupFilter
> implementations to I***Settings
> I think we should keep it as it is now. There is some special logic
> about the order of the added IMarkupFilter which may break user apps
> if the order is not correct. So it is better to keep it harder to deal
> with those.
> - WICKET-3317 Investigate whether introducing Optional will make life easier
> I think this will be an improvement if used for all AjaxFallback***
> components to indicate that AjaxRequestTarget may not be available.
> Please comment what of this should and should not be done. If you have
> a vision how to do it, even better.
> I'd like to release a milestone as soon as possible. I'm aware of few
> people experimenting with 6.0-SNAPSHOT and so far there are no major
> issues. It would be good if we get more feedback with an official
> 6.0-M1.
> --
> Martin Grigorov
> jWeekend
> Training, Consulting, Development
> http://jWeekend.com

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