when we start a build we create a branch, for example wicket-1.5.4 was
built in the build/wicket-1.5.4 branch [4].  when the release vote
passes the branch is tagged with a release tag, in case of 1.5.4 it
was release/wicket-1.5.4 [5]

you can see both the tags and branches in [3], in fact the 1.5.4
release tag is the first tag listed...



On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Andreas Pieber <anpie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm curious about tagging and releasing with git now. I've done my
> share of googling and the only things I came up with where [1] and
> [2]. Well [1] is a little bit besides the topic but still right: there
> is also no tag at the git-repos [3]. I would like to know when and how
> releases are tagged. Feel free to point me somewhere with a RTFM :-)
> Otherwise I would like to propose something like:
> Tag everything which is going into the vote process with -rc-X (e.g.
> wicket-1.5.5-rc-1, wicket-1.5.5-rc-2, ...) and if a vote succeeds
> (possibly double) tag it with wicket-1.5.5. That way it's always easy
> to get the exact release sources using "git checkout wicket-VERSION".
> Kind regards,
> Andreas
> [1] 
> http://apache-wicket.1842946.n4.nabble.com/Missing-1-5-4-Release-Tag-td4442362.html
> [2] https://wicket.apache.org/contribute/release.html
> [3] http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/wicket.git

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