That sounds fine.
Can you show me how the Conversations are broken though?
I think the propagation and auto features initially introduced by Igor make
sense, after I really understood what was going on.
In JSF they can only have auto converations and all propagation.  If you
google a little you find case after case where they hack around that
I added an @Conversational annotation to allow the globals to be overriden
to prevent that.  But if you can show that it doesn't work as I thought
then please show me.

As for Injection, again why is this bad?  Makes testing alot simpler.  If
you dont inject the CdiConfiguration you may have a hard time getting the
CDIWicketApplicationFactory to work.

Also in the configuration, all those switches are marked deprecated.  I
didn't want them either, but was maintaining a migration path to cdi-1.1


On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Emond Papegaaij

> Hi all,
> You probably noticed the the flood of emails regarding wicket-cdi these
> last few days, which IMHO is good, because it means wicket-cdi is alive.
> However, the current status is that the current (old) implementation of
> wicket-cdi works badly with CDI 1.1 and the experimental (new) version is
> broken in various ways. This is not good, as there is no good
> implementation to use for CDI 1.1 users.
> I've reviewed parts of the code in wicket-cdi-1.1 and noticed the following
> problems:
> - Featuritis: it supports all kinds of usecases nobody is every going to
> use, such as: partly managed applications, per-conversation
> auto-conversions, per-conversation propagation, package ignores, switched
> to enable/disable injection on almost everyting.
> - Buggy: auto-conversations are broken for everything but pages, injection
> in anonymous classes was broken, probably more.
> - Too much state: configuration options are copied all over the place,
> objects with different lifecycles share state.
> - Too much injection: everything is injected, which makes it almost
> impossible to see what's linked to what.
> I've also noticed some very nices features:
> - CDI 1.1 support with conversations via the Weld API
> - Management of the application and the Wicket-cdi configuration by cdi.
> - Better implementation of NonContextual injection, using caches.
> - Better testcases
> The experimental code is in such a state that is it almost impossible to
> cleanup. On the other hand, I do not want to loose some of the new
> features. Therefore, I propose the following: restart the wicket-cdi-1.1
> implementation, starting from the current wicket-cdi implementation and
> reintroducing the features one-by-one. Also, I would like to remove some of
> the existing features, like most of the toggle-switches, and I would like
> to make the new CdiWebApplicationFactory mandatory to always have the
> application be managed. All this will still be experimental in wicket 6,
> but perhaps it can be made the default in 7. As we at Topicus are currently
> starting the migration from JBoss 7.1 to WildFly 8, I can work on this 1 or
> 2 days a week.
> Let me know what you think,
> Emond

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