On 7/12/2014 11:10 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote:
4.14.2 Pseudo-classes


My understanding from reading the above link is that this is a pseudo-class to be used in CSS selectors---that is, to _select_ elements that are enabled. This thread initially addressed _how to make an element disabled_, and I don't think that adding ":enabled" to the element will change its enabled status---in fact, there is no ":enabled" class, which is why it is called a "pseudo-class".

However, reading between the lines, it appears that simply removing the href attribute from <a> will cause it to be disabled (a "placeholder"), and thus the CSS ":enabled" pseudo-class selector will not include it, which is what we want. Therefore the current behavior under Wicket 7.x (removing the href attribute) seems appropriate for disabling the <a> element. We need merely to provide a mechanism to easily specify certain CSS classes to be added when the state is disabled, and that's why I was thinking of a DisabledStatusAttributeModifier or something.

That part is simple. The more interesting part is how to group together a "bundle" of declarative behaviors to be easily plugged in to work with various frameworks (e.g. Bootstrap, Pure). I have some ideas on this; I'll investigate more, and discuss them on WICKET-5460.


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