Sweet! I hope you share your slides (and maybe even recorded video?) with
the world!

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Martijn Dashorst <
martijn.dasho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> I was just notified that my 3 proposals for presentations about Wicket
> were accepted. Apparently I have some work to do...
> My proposals are below.
> Hope to see you there!
> Martijn
> Apache Wicket: 10 years and beyond
> With the Tenth Anniversary of Wicket behind us, Wicket is still one of
> the thriving survivors of the Great Web Framework Wars of the mid
> 00's. Is there a future for server-side frameworks? In this
> presentation Martijn Dashorst provides a brief history of Wicket. With
> a State of the Wicket, Martijn will look at who is currently using
> Wicket, the community and current release plans. The majority of this
> session will be dedicated to the future of Wicket: does a component
> oriented, Java web framework have a future in the era of native
> clients and client side JavaScript frameworks? Martijn will layout the
> plans of making Wicket more productive for current users, on
> integrating better with JavaEE technologies and much more.
> Wicket and Java EE sitting in a tree
> Apache Wicket strives to enable developers to be very productive and
> craft maintainable web applications. Java EE also enables developers
> to achieve high productivity. So what happens when you combine both
> technologies? In this session Martijn Dashorst shows how to leverage
> the available Java EE technologies such as CDI, JPA, Bean Validation
> and JAX-RS in your Wicket applications.
> Wicket Puzzlers
> Apache Wicket is a web framework that enables you to write
> maintainable web applications. However there are a lot of different
> ways in which you can shoot yourself in your own foot, or write code
> that seems it should work but doesn't, or has odd side effects. In
> this presentation, Martijn Dashorst will present several puzzlers in
> the same format as the acclaimed "Java Puzzlers" presentation. He will
> present the case, offer several choices and then present the correct
> answer.
> --
> Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best: http://wicketinaction.com

Jeremy Thomerson

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