Hi Maxim,

I think this isn't a good idea because the order in which the arguments are added to the save method is important - and what if you want to let one argument away? Then the rest would not used for their purpose.

Instead I would add another method save method that takes a Map with key value pairs (key are used to identify the values)

the save method could be invoked internally with #save(map.get("username"),map.get("password"));

Another way:

Oracle uses system properties - (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/net/doc-files/net-properties.html)
the save method could be invoked internally with #save(System.getProperty("org.apache.auth.username"),System.getProperty("org.apache.auth.username"));

kind regards


Am 24.02.15 um 17:09 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
Hello All,

recently I have proposed the patch to reduce copy/paste while implementing
custom IAuthenticationStrategy.

Actually this interface have 2 methods which are not correlate to each other
String[] load();
void save(final String username, final String password);

in fact this is getter and setter but with different signatures
The change I would like to propose is to replace (in Wicket7)
void save(final String username, final String password);
void save(final String... credentials);

this will allow to easily store additional credentials (like domain) and
will not introduce the code break since previous calls will work as expected

What do you think?

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