Meeeee I am sad about little OutputField ;-( - ok - to sum

+1 for InlineImage
-1 for OutputField 

I'm going to integrate InlineImage tomorrow. :-)

kind regards


> Am 03.06.2015 um 16:46 schrieb Martin Grigorov <>:
> Hi,
> I didn't have time to review the PR for OutputField but from what I've seen
> while debugging your problem with the reset of its value - I didn't like
> it. Sorry! :-)
> I hope to have some time tonight for the review.
> To keep the result/output value up to date in the browser I'd use something
> like Or for something more
> sophisticated (here is a demo:
> To keep it at the server side I'd use a Label with an AbstractReadOnlyModel
> which #getObject() will make the computation by using the models of all
> related form components. Something like what change propagation libraries
> provide (e.g.
> The advantage of your solution is that it tries to combine the logic at one
> place (in Java code). But it uses things like
> 'form.setAttribute('onchange', ...) and this will break as soon as you add
> a second OutputField to the mix.
> Maybe you have reimplemented this with JS event registration after Sven's
> suggestion but I guess now there is a memory leak when OutputField is
> repainted in Ajax response :-/
> I haven't seen a usage of this new HTML5 functionality in my experience so
> far. I haven't heard of any users asking for it in the mailing lists/JIRA.
> So I am -1 for OutputField.
> InlineImage looks useful! +1 for it!
> Martin Grigorov
> Wicket Training and Consulting
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 5:22 PM, Tobias Soloschenko <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried to make the input-output roundtrip as easy as possible that's why
>> I put in the logic. If you have suggestions how to reduce the logic and
>> provide more flexibility I would be very pleased.
>> kind regards
>> Tobias
>>> Am 03.06.2015 um 15:06 schrieb Sven Meier <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> InlineImage seems useful, but OutputField isn't finished yet:
>>> IMHO you're putting too much logic into that tag - actually it offers
>> nothing more than a little semantics.
>>> Regards
>>> Sven
>>>> On 03.06.2015 07:39, Tobias Soloschenko wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> this is just a vote if we should move / integrate those to components
>> into wicket-core.
>>>> 1.
>>>> This functionality is the same as the embed of CssUrlReplacer. Maybe we
>> can extrat the base64 encoding to a central place and the. use it for the
>> image and the replacer. I think some users are interested to put their
>> picture in the html content (HTML Email for example)
>>>> 2.
>>>> The work on this component is nearly done - thanks to Sven for the
>> great hints which are all implemented and Martin for the help with my
>> little submit issue. ;-)
>>>> kind regards
>>>> Tobias

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