Thanks Martijn, for fulfilling this role for all this time!

And all the best for Andrea, long live the new chair!

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 11:13 AM Martijn Dashorst <> wrote:

> All,
> This is mostly Apache internal, but quite notable: after almost 11
> years of serving as the chair for Apache Wicket, I decided to step
> down and make room for a new member of our community to be the bridge
> between our project and the Apache Board.
> I am happy to announce that Andrea Del Bene is now our chair and wish
> him well in providing timely and correct reports to the board, and
> communicating back the Board's wishes.
> In our discussions on how to proceed with our chair role, we also
> decided to rotate the chair each year, to make it more palatable to
> serve as chair (as your commitment only is for one year ahead). Of
> course, if life happens, it is quite easy to change roles midterm, but
> rotating the position seems like a good idea going forward.
> Good luck Andrea!
> Martijn

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