Hi Thorsten,

changed implementation is simply reversing the order of how behaviours are 
called per component

the solution I was able to came up with: reverse the order of #afterRender() 
This way callbacks to behaviors are 'nested', i.e. the first behavior has the 
first *and* last word on rendering -
something you can see in other frameworks/architectures too where resources are 


I agree with Martin that we shouldn't change this lightheartedly - it might 
break existing applications.
AbstractTransformerBehaviour is special and I don't know of any other behavior 
that needs this if more than one instance is added to a component.

You can just use a single behavior and let it manage a list of transformators.

+1 for changing this in Wicket 10
+0 for Wicket 9

Best regards
On 31.08.20 12:48, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
Hi all,

multiple instances of AbstractTransformerBehaviour on one component
don't work properly currently. Reason is that all of those change
response objects and are always executed in the order they were
registered, which doesn't properly take the replaced responses into
account. At some point, later registered and executed transformers
replace the response with what they think is the original one, while
it actually is a temporary one of former transformers as well.

This behaviour can be tested with the attached quickstart by simply
changing the following two lines. Details are documented in the linked
JIRA-issue as well.

label.add(new FooTrans());
//label.add(new BarTrans());

This thread is about discussion whether or not to support multiple
transformers per component at all, if so how and in which release of

One suggestion for a changed implementation is simply reversing the
order of how behaviours are called per component. Another one is to
change instead who manages the replaced responses how, e.g. by
introducing some container-concept wrapping multiple transformers.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

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