LocalD*TextField has the purpose to offer some convenience constructors and implementing ITextFormatProvider,

If you allow people to use a custom converter, this class loses its purpose.


On 22.09.23 04:47, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
On Wed, 13 Sept 2023 at 05:13, Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net> wrote:
Hi Maxim,

it will be hard to make that suitable for different projects with
different requirements:
In Arabic sometimes dates are written in Latin digits, so we can't call
#withDecimalStyle in general.

We could add other constructors with IConverter argument, but then
Local*TextField wouldn't add anything that you can't do with your own
TextField subclass.

Maybe add this?

protected DateTimeFormatter configure(DateTimeFormatter formatter) {
return formatter; }
Just have checked LocalDateTextField and LocalDateTimeTextField both
has method createConverter
Which actually doesn't create converter ...

Maybe I it worth to refactor both to
  - remove final from converter
  - create and set converter in `createConverter` method

This way users can tune converter on creation? :)

Once again, rolling your own component might be simpler.


On 12.09.23 03:54, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
Hello All,

Sorry for the long email

While working on PR for wicket-bootstrap [1] i have test multiple
locales and find out LocalDate*Time*TextField doesn't behave well with
locales like Persian/Arabic (those with custom digits)

All classes `Local*TextField` from datetime package [2]

have `TextFormatConverter converter` as private member
With constructors accepting `String pattern` and `FormatStyle`

With locales uses different numeral systems (like Arabic) this doesn't
work well :(

Here are some examples
All below can be checked with `jshell` (and/or `bootstrap-samples` from [1])

`LocalDate.of(2020, 11,
          > "۲۰۲۰/۱۱/۵"

Let's parse this one using DateTimeFormatter like it is being created
in current Wicket code:

          > Exception java.time.format.DateTimeParseException

Missing `withDecimalStyle` might help but unfortunately
tempus-dominus-v6 [3] produces dates like "2003/۱۱/5" (please note
digits in mixed numeral systems are present)

Surprisingly the above works well with SimpleDateFormat:

`LocalDate.ofInstant(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/M/d",

please NOTE SimpleDateFormat doesn't honor RTL
It will produce wrong date for

`new SimpleDateFormat("d/M/yyyy",

BUT correct date with

`new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/M/d",

So I believe wicket code need to be improved:

- `withDecimalStyle` *might* be added
- internal date/time formatter should be accessible for the user (so
it can be twicked)



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