Well the PrefixList in SOAP-UI is actually empty - so there should be no
need to generate it. WSS4J doesn't add the InclusiveNamespaces structure if
the PrefixList is empty.


On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 6:46 PM, Jason Hall <jason.h...@mchsi.com> wrote:

> Trying to figure out "InclusiveNamespaces" difference in SOAPUI and WSS4J
> implementation.
> In the following code snippet:
>         Document doc = toSOAPPart(requestSoapString);
>         //SOAPConstants soapConstants = WSSecurityUtil.
> getSOAPConstants(doc.getDocumentElement());
>         WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(doc);
>         secHeader.insertSecurityHeader();
>         secHeader.setMustUnderstand(true);
>         WSSecTimestamp timestamp = new WSSecTimestamp();
>         timestamp.setTimeToLive(300);
>         timestamp.build(doc, secHeader);
>         //Prepare for signature
>         WSSecSignature builder = new WSSecSignature();
>         builder.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.BST_DIRECT_REFERENCE);
>         builder.setSignatureAlgorithm(WSConstants.RSA_SHA1);
>         builder.setSigCanonicalization(WSConstants.C14N_EXCL_OMIT_
>         builder.setDigestAlgo(WSConstants.SHA1);
>         builder.setAddInclusivePrefixes(true);
>         builder.setUserInfo(keyAlias, keyPass);
>         builder.setUseSingleCertificate(true);
>         WSEncryptionPart encP = new WSEncryptionPart(WSConstants.ELEM_BODY,
> WSConstants.URI_SOAP11_ENV, "Content");
>         builder.getParts().add(encP);
>         Document signedDoc = builder.build(doc, passwordCrypto, secHeader);
>         String outputString
>                 = XMLUtils.PrettyDocumentToString(signedDoc);
> The above produces the following snippet:
>         <ds:SignedInfo>
>                <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/
> 2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#">
>                   <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="soapenv" xmlns:ec="
> http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>
>                </ds:CanonicalizationMethod>
>                <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/
> 2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/>
>                <ds:Reference URI="#Id-206467045">
>                   <ds:Transforms>
>                      <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/
> 2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>
>                   </ds:Transforms>
>                   <dsigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/
> 2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
>                   <dsigestValue>PEvtq8JdLh8GBzKs0Dow+DWES+k=</
> dsigestValue>
>                </ds:Reference>
>             </ds:SignedInfo>
> In SOAPUI, I have chosen the same (or what I think is the same) parameters
> in the signature screen options
> .  It produces the following snippet:
>         <ds:SignedInfo>
>                <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/
> 2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#">
>                   <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="soapenv" xmlns:ec="
> http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>
>                </ds:CanonicalizationMethod>
>                <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/
> 2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/>
>                <ds:Reference URI="#Id-206467045">
>                   <ds:Transforms>
>                      <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/
> 2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#">
>                         <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="" xmlns:ec="
> http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>
>                      </ds:Transform>
>                   </ds:Transforms>
>                   <dsigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/
> 2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
>                   <dsigestValue>lQsfZK8weX2vRvHYDZTl9ECLzWQ=</
> dsigestValue>
>                </ds:Reference>
>             </ds:SignedInfo>
> My question is: in WSS4J - what is needed to produce the
> ec:<ec:InclusiveNamespaces .... in the <ds:Transform Algorithm=.... as
> SOAPUI does in the snippet of:
>                   <ds:Transforms>
>                      <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/
> 2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#">
>                         <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="" xmlns:ec="
> http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>
>                      </ds:Transform>
>                   </ds:Transforms> ?
> I am sure this is something easy that I am missing ?
>    thanks,
>       Jason
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Colm O hEigeartaigh

Talend Community Coder

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