On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 7:31 PM, Isuru Suriarachchi <is...@wso2.com> wrote:

> While testing some other issue with the deployment synchronizer (DS), I
> found the following scenarios in which there can be svn conflicts.
> 1. Synchronizing meta files. Consider the following sequence in a 2 node
> Carbon cluster..
> * foo.aar deployed in node 1
> * DS syncs it to node 2
> * foo.aar gets deployed in node 1 and foo.meta is created in node 1
> * foo.aar gets deployed in node 2 and foo.meta is created in node 2
> * DS tries to sync foo.meta in node 1 to node 2
> * Conflict because foo.meta is already there in node 2
> 2. Deploying webapps. Now we've enabled exploded mode by default. So if a
> foo.war is in webapps directory, foo directory will be created inside the
> webapps directory.
> * foo.war is deployed in node 1
> * DS syncs it to node 2 before extraction
> * both node 1 and node 2 deploys foo.war and creates foo directories under
> webapps
> * DS tries to sync foo directory from node 1 to node 2
> * Conflict because the foo directory is already there in node 2
> I think we have to heavily test these scenarios and fix all these issues
> before we release. Charitha, have we tested DS on trunk? If not, shall we
> create a plan?

We have tested various scenarios related to this DepSync and reported 20+
issues too (See [1] ). Not sure we came across the above as well but I'm
sure we came across various issues related to SVN conflicts such as


Anyway, lets review the scenarios and plan for any missing cases.

> Thanks,
> ~Isuru
> --
> Isuru Suriarachchi
> Senior Technical Lead
> WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
> email : is...@wso2.com
> blog : http://isurues.wordpress.com/
> lean . enterprise . middleware
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