Its already there in README. see step 2;

** IMPORTANT: If you have already configured any other sample, start from
Step 7 **

1. Extract (eg:
2. Go to wso2am-1.0.0-Beta2/bin folder & type 'ant'

Charitha Kankanamge
cell: +94 718 359 265
blog: <>

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Chintana Wilamuna <>wrote:

> Didn't knew I need to run ant inside bin dir. Works fine after that. May
> be we can add it to the README?
>     -Chintana
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Chintana Wilamuna <>wrote:
>> I'm trying to run the TwitterSearch sample on this. When I try to run ant
>> inside /samples/Data it says,
>> /home/chintana/wso2am-1.0.0-Beta2/samples/Data/build.xml:49:
>> /home/chintana/wso2am-1.0.0-Beta2/repository/lib does not exist.
>> There's no directory called lib inside repository.
>>     -Chintana
>> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 10:24 PM, Hiranya Jayathilaka 
>> <>wrote:
>>> WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the 1.0.0-Beta2 release of
>>> the world's first open source API management platform. This release is now
>>> available for download at
>>> This distribution contains several improvements over the Beta1 release
>>> including support for latest BAM analytics features, remote registry
>>> integration and support for database engines like Oracle and MySQL.
>>> WSO2 API Manager is a platform for creating, managing, consuming and
>>> monitoring APIs. It employs tried and tested SOA best practices to
>>> solve a wide range of API management challenges such as API provisioning,
>>> API governance and API security. WSO2 API Manager combines some of the most
>>> powerful and mature components of the WSO2 Carbon platform to deliver a
>>> smooth and end-to-end API management experience while catering to both API
>>> publisher and API consumer needs. WSO2 API Manager is released under the 
>>> Apache
>>> Software License 2.0 <>.
>>> *Key Features*
>>> For API authors and publishers:
>>>    - Publish APIs to external consumers and partners, as well as
>>>    internal users; SOAP and REST services are supported
>>>    - Manage API versions (several versions can be deployed in parallel)
>>>    - Govern the API lifecycle (publish, deprecate, retire)
>>>    - Attach documentation (files, external URLs) to APIs
>>>    - Apply Security policies to APIs (authentication, authorization)
>>>    - Attach SLAs
>>>    - Track consumers per API
>>>    - Monitor API usage, performance and SLA compliance
>>> For API consumers:
>>>    - Find useful APIs by browsing or searching through the API Store:
>>>    view top rated, top used and featured APIs
>>>    - Explore API documentation
>>>    - Register applications and obtain API keys
>>>    - Evaluate APIs, rate APIs, and share comments
>>>    - OAuth2 support for API access
>>> *Installing*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> The only prerequisite required to try this release out is an
>>> installation of JDK 1.6 (Sun/Oracle JDK 1.6.0_23 or higher recommended)
>>>    - Download the WSO2 API Manager 1.0.0-Beta2 release from
>>>    - Extract the downloaded archive
>>>    - Go to the 'bin' directory and execute (Unix/Linux)
>>>    or wso2server.bat (Windows)
>>>    - Point your web browser to https://localhost:9443/publisher or
>>>    https://localhost:9443/store to get started
>>> *How to Run Samples?*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> This release of the WSO2 API Manager comes with 3 complete samples.
>>> Following steps explain how to get these samples up and running:
>>> 1. Download and extract
>>> 2. Go to 'samples' folder.
>>> 3. README.txt inside each of the sample folder provides complete
>>> instructions on deploying & testing sample scenarios.
>>> 4. To learn how to configure statistics monitoring, read
>>> <WSO2AM-HOME>/statistics/README.txt
>>> You need to have Apache Ant 1.8 or higher to run the samples.
>>> *Known Issues*
>>> All the known issues related this release are reported in the WSO2 API
>>> Manager 
>>> JIRA<>
>>> .
>>> *Bug Fixes and New Features in this Release*
>>> Bug
>>>    - [APISTORE-138 <>] - Tier
>>>    Availability drop down does not get populated correctly
>>>    - [APISTORE-327 <>] -
>>>    StatClient BAM initialization script doesn't end process
>>>    - [APISTORE-329 <>] - BAM
>>>    Statistics not available
>>>    - [APISTORE-428 <>] - Stat
>>>    Client make_analyser_jar task not working on Ubuntu
>>>    - [APISTORE-444 <>] -
>>>    Warning at API manager startup in beta pack - OAuthUtil Error in OAuth
>>>    Configuration. Author izationCallbackHandlers element is not available
>>>    - [APISTORE-445 <>] - API
>>>    manager should not allow creators to add multiple API resources with /* 
>>> URL
>>>    pattern
>>>    - [APISTORE-447 <>] - Raw
>>>    HTML tags are shown in "Add New Application" page when removing the last
>>>    application of the second page
>>>    - [APISTORE-448 <>] - "New
>>>    API" option should not be visible for users who do not have API Create
>>>    permission
>>>    - [APISTORE-450 <>] -
>>>    Publisher UI malformed in IE 8 - IE 7
>>>    - [APISTORE-451 <>] - API
>>>    Store web application signup page UI not rendering properly
>>>    - [APISTORE-452 <>] - API
>>>    Store message icons are not rendering properly
>>>    - [APISTORE-453 <>] - API
>>>    Store - API detail page malformed in IE 7
>>>    - [APISTORE-454 <>] - When
>>>    an API copied from a previous version ,the newly created API thumbnail is
>>>    yet referring previous versioned API thumbnail
>>>    - [APISTORE-456 <>] - API
>>>    provider - add new documentation page is not rendering properly
>>>    - [APISTORE-457 <>] - API
>>>    Publisher - Editing an API from IE gives permission error in console
>>>    - [APISTORE-458 <>] -
>>>    Unwanted image appears in lower resolutions
>>>    - [APISTORE-459 <>] - API
>>>    Publisher - API Resources page table is cluttered in 1024 resolution
>>>    - [APISTORE-460 <>] -
>>>    Migrate APIManager DB configuration (api-manager.xml) to data-sources
>>>    configuration which uses master-datasources.xml
>>>    - [APISTORE-464 <>] -
>>>    APIProvider accesses the Key Manager Server
>>>    - [APISTORE-467 <>] -
>>>    Notification message boxes which appear in API provider are shown as "API
>>>    Store Notification"
>>>    - [APISTORE-471 <>] -
>>>    Unnecessary 'Path' element at the bottom of document content editor
>>>    - [APISTORE-472 <>] - API
>>>    store theme cannot be changed
>>>    - [APISTORE-473 <>] -
>>>    mysql.sql file available at $API_MANAGER_HOME/dbscripts/identity fails 
>>> with
>>>    'SQL syntax error'
>>>    - [APISTORE-475 <>] -
>>>    Issues in AM README
>>>    - [APISTORE-476 <>] -
>>>    ZipException: error in opening zip file when running 'ant
>>>    initialize_column_family_datastore' in windows
>>>    - [APISTORE-477 <>] -
>>>    Inline options must be greyed for doc types when inline is not available
>>>    (i.e forums)
>>>    - [APISTORE-480 <>] -
>>>    [API-Publisher] - If API is created through API-Manager, the fields left
>>>    blank are set to 'null
>>>    - [APISTORE-481 <>] -
>>>    [API-Manager] - Endpoint URL & Tier Availability fields are not marked as
>>>    mandatory
>>>    - [APISTORE-482 <>] -
>>>    [API-Manager] - Values set for Sandbox URL, WSDL, WADL, Tags, Business
>>>    Owner Email field lost when API is viewed from API-Publisher UI
>>>    - [APISTORE-483 <>] -
>>>    [API-Manager] - URI templates contains a METHOD which is not available at
>>>    API-Publisher side
>>>    - [APISTORE-485 <>] -
>>>    [API-Manager] - Changes done to 'WSDL URL' from API-Publisher does not 
>>> take
>>>    effect at API-Manger side
>>>    - [APISTORE-486 <>] -
>>>    [API-Manager] - If an API is created with 'Status=Deployed' all APIs
>>>    disappear from API-Publisher and users cannot even login to API-Store
>>>    - [APISTORE-495 <>] -
>>>    [Ratings] Round off the rating value to the first decimal point and show
>>>    - [APISTORE-496 <>] -
>>>    Remove trailing '/' of API url
>>>    - [APISTORE-497 <>] -
>>>    NoClassDefFoundError: org/wso2/carbon/mediator/service/MediatorStore when
>>>    updating source ESB config in AM
>>>    - [APISTORE-500 <>] -
>>>    Search is not working on newly added APIs
>>>    - [APISTORE-509 <>] - Error
>>>    when generating keys
>>>    - [APISTORE-515 <>] -
>>>    Unable to add APIs when the registry is mounted (JDBC mounts)
>>>    - [APISTORE-516 <>] - Error
>>>    with Replicated Caching
>>> Improvement
>>>    - [APISTORE-425 <>] -
>>>    Implement Endpoint URL Validation, Sandbox URL Validation, WSDL 
>>> Validation
>>>    and WADL Validation for Add New API
>>>    - [APISTORE-429 <>] -
>>>    Oracle/mysql script for oauth2 tables
>>>    - [APISTORE-430 <>] -
>>>    Confirm statistics functionality working with BAM-2.0.0-M6 release
>>>    - [APISTORE-440 <>] -
>>> directly
>>>    accesses the API Manager DB for Key verification
>>>    - [APISTORE-461 <>] - Add
>>>    500/404 error pages to both APIStore/APIProvider apps
>>>    - [APISTORE-462 <>] - Keep
>>>    user permissions in session
>>>    - [APISTORE-490 <>] -
>>>    Improvemet to Oracle Database Script- [Login to APIStore as a subscriber
>>>    fails with Oracle]
>>>    - [APISTORE-493 <>] -
>>>    [API-Store] - The Application list is not ordered
>>> New Feature
>>>    - [APISTORE-502 <>] -
>>>    Support MySQL as API Manager's database
>>>    - [APISTORE-503 <>] -
>>>    Support Oracle for API Manager database
>>> --
>>> Hiranya Jayathilaka
>>> Senior Technical Lead;
>>> WSO2 Inc.;
>>> E-mail:;  Mobile: +94 77 633 3491
>>> Blog:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Architecture mailing list
>> --
>> Chintana Wilamuna
>> Senior Technical Lead
>> WSO2, Inc.;
>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>> phone: +94 75 211 1106
>> blog:
>> photos:
>> linkedin:
>> twitter:
> --
> Chintana Wilamuna
> Senior Technical Lead
> WSO2, Inc.;
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> phone: +94 75 211 1106
> blog:
> photos:
> linkedin:
> twitter:
> _______________________________________________
> Architecture mailing list
Dev mailing list

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